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Happy reading guyzz!!!!

Aarya's pov

After arguing with him over his mistakes, I wanted to laugh so badly seeing his embarrassed face. But I bit my lips, controlling my laughter.

When the pilot announced to be seated in your seats, I went to my window seat and settled myself.

Looking outside, I felt a big turbulence going on in my mind. I was thinking about the journey of my life when I left sorry ... .was ousted from my house by my own so called family, how I managed myself and became what I'm today.

It was not an easy task for a young woman to survive in male -dominant society, where men are always said to be right but women ... .Today after almost 76 years of independence, women are still asked to be behind men as they represent power and strength. I know it is said that a woman is the brain whereas the man is the body of the house but why can't a woman have  strength and power and why can't a man work calmly and patiently after using his brain and supporting his wife, sister, daughter and mother just like they support them?

I suddenly came out of my thoughts and looked beside me where the man who was arguing with me non stop a while ago, was sleeping like a little cute boy still holding his tab. Ohh God…..he and his obsession with his tab. Till now I have only seen him with his tab in his hand. It's like someone used fevicol to paste his hand with his tab. I tried making him leave his tab but even in his sleep, he was holding it so tightly as If his heart resides in it.

I sighed and closed my eyes as the flight was 7 hours long, also I had to deal with the biggest headache after arriving there.

Soon I felt darkness surrounding me and fell into a deep slumber.


Vyomaksh's pov

I was dreaming that my childhood was full of joy and happiness. Then I felt that everyone who was near me started leaving me alone in the darkness. Suddenly my sleep got interrupted by the sudden noises. 

I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the light around me. I was irritated seeing that girl's face again who was sitting beside me with a bag on her thighs and a bowl of popcorn in her hands. Wait!! What!! Why is she holding my bags?? Is she a thief or something?? But she doesn't look like that. No Vyom, how can you trust someone you just met a few hours ago.

I recomposed myself sitting with my back straight and pulled my bag from her and checked it but what is that? Why are there lays and a female outfit with some ladies things in my bag? It wasn't like this when I took my iPad out . Now what happened with it?

“ Mister, are you insane? How can you check a lady's bags without asking her permission?” She said pulling her bag from my hands and again keeping it on her thighs.

I flinched at her attitude. I stood up and checked where my bag was securely placed. 'what the fuck!!’ I mumbled. How can mine and her bag and suitcase be the same? My younger brother, Vihaan Singh Rathore is the one who bought them for my use and these are one of top brands in Russia. Then how did she get all these?

I shook my head still not able to understand this how's answer.

I again sat on my seat sighing as that girl beside me was mimicking Shinchan while watching him on her iPad. I opened my iPad and again got involved in my patient's medical history.

“ Can you just shut up?” I said, being irritated after a few minutes, not able to concentrate on my work.

“My mouth,my voice, my wish. Why shall I listen to you?” She said, making me angrier than before looking at the bowl which had nothing left.

“Hey mahadev!! Who allowed this chatterbox on the flight?” I murmured while rubbing my head with my hand.

“Hey mahadev!! Who allowed this khadoos giraffe on the flight?” She mocking me, now putting a spoon filled with pudding in her mouth.

Wow! She has such a good hearing. I said mentally. But wait, she called me a giraffe?? 

“How dare you call me a giraffe?” I asked, looking at her with rage filled eyes.

“No it's khadoos giraffe as I don't know your name na, so I called you by the mixed name of your personality and attitude.” she said with extra sweetness  in her voice adding fuel to my anger.

I was about to reply her when we were told to be alert as our flight is going to land.

I just fisted my hand and at last I entered my country. It was Mumbai Airport from where my journey started.

Finally I exchanged my suitcase with Miss Chatterbox and we both parted our ways towards opposite directions.

She must be praying to Mahadev that we never meet again  just like I'm praying. I hope it will be our first and last meeting in our lives. 

I got out of the airport and met the driver whom Shivam hired to pick me up from the airport. I sat in the car starting my journey towards  Jaisalmer, the golden City of India.

Soon I entered Jaisalmer, my hometown. After a long time I heard the nostalgic voices of people selling their goods, women moving shop to shop wearing the jingling anklets, and the smell of fresh sweets made by native confectioners. 

Looking at them, I was just lost in my own world until the driver opened the door of the car. I saw the big palace in front of me, where I found and lost a lot of things including the relations.

As I entered the palace I encountered the person for whom I came here in such a hurry, laughing and talking with someone of his age.

Nobody could say seeing him, that he was admitted in the hospital and that's in the ICU.

Wait!! I'm missing something, first he never had asthma and second, how can someone be discharged so quickly, being admitted in ICU, something is fishy.

Ohh!!! Got it…. Shivam!! How dare you fool me along with dadasa. I will teach him a lesson after getting back but right now I need to face him.

Then my eyes met with a pair of black eyes. The person whom I don't wanna see even for a second.


Hii guyzz!!! 

What do you think of today's update?

Do you think they will never meet again?


What do you think will happen when Vyomaksh and Aarya will reach their houses?
Who is the person vyomaksh don't wanna meet throughout his life?

If you want to know the answers then,





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