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3rd pov:

Nineteen years later...

King's Cross Station was full to the brim as Newt and Genevieve arrived. Newt looked around, it had been years since they have been to Platform 9 and ¾. The Hogwarts Express looked brand new, but it was the still the same old design. The loud engine was nothing compared to the sound of hundreds upon hundreds of students accompanied by their parents. In fact, it's were it all started and now, it was their turn...

Newt turned around and admired his beautiful family gathered with him: his beloved wife, his twins, Jeremy and Audrey, and their eldest son, Adrien.

Adrien had grown into a handsome young man, now in his fourth year at Hogwarts, where he had been sorted into Gryffindor. Newt and Genevieve couldn't have been prouder of him.

Jeremy bore a striking resemblance to his father, sharing the same brown hair, cute freckles, and endearing smile. However, he inherited his mother's captivating eyes. Jeremy was generally a cheerful boy, but his temper and reactions could be unpredictable, owing to his mother's genetic influence. He rarely got into arguments, but when he did, it was challenging to calm him down. His temper flared especially when he felt deceived, a situation that often arose with Genevieve's playful nature. However, there were also times when his sister managed to push his buttons a bit too far.

Audrey favored her mother in appearance, with her hair and matching freckles, though she had brown roots and inherited her father's warm, lovely eyes. Personality-wise, she leaned more towards her father, although she had a bit of chaos in her demeanor as well. Audrey's patience seemed to stretch endlessly, impressing even a baguette—just kidding, but she was remarkably patient for her age. However, like any child, she also had moments of annoyance and irritation. Despite her shyness, Audrey was a smooth talker when needed, much like her mother, which both impressed and slightly worried Newt about the future.

It was the twins' first year at Hogwarts, and they were absolutely thrilled. Wearing their new robes, they were playfully messing around with their wands, using them more for pretend sword fights with each other. Genevieve joined in on the fun, showcasing her playful and chaotic nature as a mother.

Newt turned to the twins, trying to grab their attention amidst their playfulness. "Jeremy, Audrey," he called out to them, and they quickly put their wands down, turning their attention to him. "Are you both ready for your first year at Hogwarts?"

"Yeah!" Jeremy exclaimed enthusiastically, pointing his wand towards Newt. "I'm going to be just like you, Dad! I'll take care of your magical creatures now!"

Genevieve chuckled warmly, exchanging a playful glance with her husband. "Looks like you won't be needing me anymore," she teased, and Newt laughed along.

"Maybe when you're a bit older and prove yourself in Care of Magical Creatures, we can talk about it," Newt replied with a smile.

"Deal!" Jeremy exclaimed happily, giving his father a tight hug. "I'm going to miss you, Papa."

Newt hugged him back warmly, realizing how quickly time was passing as his children embarked on this new journey.

Genevieve crouched down to Jeremy's height, a playful glint in her eyes. "You remember what I've taught you, right?" she asked. Jeremy saluted in a joking manner, grinning mischievously. "Yes, Mama! If anyone tries to hurt me or the people I love, break their jaw!" Genevieve couldn't help but laugh. "That's my brave boy!"

Newt sighed lightly, playfully smacking Genevieve's head. "That's not what we talked about. Don't go looking for trouble," he reminded her gently.

Genevieve then turned her attention to Adrien, her pride evident in her expression. "Beat those chasers up," she encouraged him. Adrien, being a beater on the Quidditch team, chuckled confidently. "You bet!" he exclaimed, prompting a hug and a kiss on the forehead from his beaming mother.

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