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3rd pov:

Genevieve Scamander... never in her life thought she would die this early...

She can't believe time has passed so much that her bones are starting to hurt when she moves or that her already gray hair can get any grayer... or that—

"Love... I have never once doubted where our kids got their drama skills." Newt sighed, interrupting her monologue.

"Honey!" His wife whined from the couch and stomped her feet. "She's just 13! She's only in third year!"

"Exactly... Calm down, Diana." Newt sighed and wiped his hands on his apron. He could see Adrien watching over his two younger siblings in the backyard... Genevieve, on the other hand, is having a midlife crisis because of her first daughter.

Barefooted, she trudged to the kitchen and hugged him from the back, a petulant pout on her lips.

"I should have taught her to kick harder as a kid. Maybe I should enroll our daughter in Beauxbâtons instead. It's not too late y—"

Newt stuff her mouth with the Yorkshire pudding he was making, effectively shutting her up and, at the same time, calming her down. Her ranting turned to munching, and her chattering mouth soon turned to a chin resting on his shoulder while he make snacks for the kids with a wife stuck to his back, hugging him like a teddy bear, asking for bites of what he was making.

He wiped his hand after putting the new batch of brownies he made in the oven.

"You know Audrey would never intentionally do anything to make you disappointed. But she's a growing girl, a very good girl at that. Barring her from exploring will not solve the problem." Newt sighed and turned around to stare at his wife's pouting lips . Gosh, she never grew up from the pouting phase. "If we try to stop her from exploring, she might tend to be sneaky instead. How can we give her guidance if she doesn't feel accepted?" Newt smiled at Genevieve, washing off her worries with his words.

"I know... It's just that..." Genevieve blew out a frustrated sigh. "I don't want her to get hurt. She's too young for this, y'know..." She hugged him, burying her face in his neck.

Newt inhale a large breath and pat her back, empathizing with his wife and her dilemma for being a girl mom. Though, normally it was the girl dad's who were scared but what is normal in this house. He wonder if he'll ever feel this too with his sons... Or if his wife is simply just being the sensitive big Niffler she is.

"Y'know, My Love..." He trailed and took her face in his hands. "I hate to break it to you like this, but..." He chuckled. "Audrey is just meeting her friends."

Audrey has been telling you for one week straight how she's so excited to go over to her friend's house for the first time, they were going to go to Hogsmeade, which he agreed with delight. Genevieve was also happy about it... until she asked who was her group partners.

"Carlos and Philip and Penelope, and..."

The rest of her partners were ignored the second his wife heard familiar names.


"Still! Did you see how that Briar boy dared come to my doorstep every year morning to pick up my cupcake from the station? That brat, when he grows up, I swear when he grows u—"

Newt poked her cheeks with his fingers, stopping her plans.

"Love, you see that?" Newt pointed to their eldest son, making flower crowns for his younger sister while his younger brother kept climbing on his back. "You and Adrien have been watching over her since she was born. Do you think your son will be this calm if he doesn't trust Audrey's friends? We both know how protective he is of her sister, and he knows Philip because he's a Gryffindor."

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