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3rd pov:

"Ow... Ouch! This hurts honey!" Genevieve whined sniffling into small hiccups. New was sitting on the couch with her  head laying on his lap, while she cradles her right cheek.

"I told you not to eat sweets everyday." Newt roll his eyes and lazily comb her hair because if he stop she would whine more than ever.

"It hurts." She whimpered in pain.

This almost making him sympathetic enough with her if not for his ears stuffed to the brim since early the morning now to the middle of the night—whole day long of her complains and never-ending whines. 

Not that he complained, but he was a bit angry that after telling her not to eat all those chocolates and candies every day, she didn't listen one bit and now his lovely wife got a tooth ache. Genevieve snuggled closer to his tummy trying to share the warmth and scent of his body to calm her restlessness.

But this do not deter him in giving in her cuteness, no he must not!

Because it doesn't help that in the coffee table are left bottles of chocolate liquor she ordered to 'ease' the pain. This girl never learn at all.

"I told you so many times to brush your teeth, you don't even go to the dentist." Newt click his tongue not wanting to nag her, it won't get him anywhere anyway. She would just turn the tables and wrestle him down asserting he doesn't care for her anymore that's he was scolding her when she's in pain.

Her finger ruffled her hair back, looking up and stare at him with her sparkling puppy eyes. They twinkle so bright and round as if he was abusing her in her most pained state.

See? That's what this menace is good at. God, give him patience not to pinch her cheeks. Sometimes, he thought of her as Teddy, but she was more like Teddy than Teddy himself. If that was even possible.

Newt can't even go to the bathroom without her throwing a fit and horrendous pouting and wailing or just suggesting she go inside with him too, which resulted to her getting a smack on her head.

"You're my miracle pain reliever Sunshine, you can't let go of me or else I'll faint," Genevieve fanned herself as if she would truly faint. That's her reason every time Newt try to get out of his arms length. Even when feeding their creatures she would clung on to him like a koala, not letting him go.

"I want to eat orange," she lips puckered pointing to the bunch of oranges he bought yesterday planning to use it for a freshly squeezed juice but Genevieve's been clinging to him all day Newt didn't got the chance to even get a drop or pulp. He could barely feed the creatures.

Peering down to her with a sweet smile contradicting the warning swirling in his eyes, he answered.

"Evie, love? Try touching anymore sweet you'll spend your night hugging the skin of those oranges, understood?"

Genevieve pursed her lips totally bummed, not getting the coddling she wanted. Her teeth doesn't hurt at all, what's the use of her potion making skills if she can't cure a simple toothache?

It's just that, Newt was not giving her attention because of a book he got hook up. All she want is cuddles and kisses with him all day long in the first day off in a month, not him reading books with exaggerated plot while she wilt beside from the lack of attention.

"I'll send Rosetta to Jacob, He may know a good dentist." Newt pinch her arms instead not wanting to hurt her 'aching' cheeks.

"What?! No, no! I don't want to! I won't go!" She huffed and crossed her arms. Her teeth is perfectly fine!

"What are you a five years old? Adrien didn't even do this when I brought him to the dentist." Newt scoff.

Adrien who got his canine teeth knock off from biting a candy just shrug at the dentist, although despite the frown and blank eyes Newt could tell the boy was fidgety but Adrien's pride is harder to break than his tooth, but nonetheless the boy resigned to Newt holding his hand with a huff that "I'm not scared."

"Peel the orange, please?" Genevieve pleaded knowing she needs to play her role better without compromising her daily standard of sugar intake.

"Feel free to sleep on the couch later,"

"Why must you wound me like this?" She gasp clutching her heart and sobbed crocodile tears.

After few wrestling matches of Newt pulling away from Genevieve he finally got to leave in the guise of buying her favorite lunch downtown. Passing by the pharmacy to buy some painkillers Newt went back their house.

When Newt came back he heard the clanking of plates and hurried footsteps as if there's a race going in his house. Trudging to the kitchen he  paled at the sight of the food containers where Newt keep the chocolate and several cake slices stored in the fridge lying open on the table with the undoubted culprit looking up to Newt with widened eyes, the fork still lodge in her mouth and icing sticking on the tip of her nose. See, what he means her spirit animal is a Niffler.

Sheepishly Genevieve smiled, licking the fork clean and laugh. Internally dreading the deadpan look on his face.

"Why do you never learn?"

Genevieve shuddered at Newt's leaving figure, uh-oh... Following him like a tail to the living room.


Suddenly arms encircled his chest grabbing him back pressing against herself. She pressed a soft kiss of apology on his temple.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again." She said softly wrapping her arms around his chest, she loves running her hands all over him, every time making Newt shiver and bashfully smile over her.

Of course it won't happen again, he won't give in that easily, she already emptied the containers. What is there left to eat anyway?

Newt turn around and reach for her waist. Standing on her tiptoes her lips lean over to give him a peck over his sweet lips, the creamy taste of the chiffon lingered over her tongue invading his sense of taste. Genevieve's gorgeous lips felt so cold and tender as always like mint and vanilla whenever he found himself in her arms exchanging the heated make out kisses leading to things.

Her lips captured his to deepen the kiss but he quickly shifted to her cheeks and lean higher, lips hovering on her earlobes blowing a hot breath Genevieve shuddered at the delicious thrill running down her spine. She can't resist licking and bite her lower lips running callous hand over the muscles of his back, gripping and massaging them simultaneously.

She little minx. Underneath the innocent smile and cute radiant eyes is her demure and teasing little kitten only he knows how to satisfy. She's smitten over every crinkle of his eyes, to his coquettish pouts and whines, his blinding smiles that could brighten her world—all of it she never fails to admire about Newt. Gods help her can't get enough of little things about him.

"Honey..." She moaned gripping his back waiting for him to take the lead.

"Too bad I don't kiss someone with cavities." Newt whispered biting her sensitive earlobe dragging her teeth over the soft sensitive skin earning a beautiful strangled groan from Genevieve.

Distracted she didn't catch him skillfully slipping out of her hold and laugh away to the bedroom hogging the whole lunch set he ordered by himself.

"Sunshine! Honey! I was just joking I don't have cavities. Come back pretty please? My snuggles, my love we'll do snuggles, please?" Genevieve whined running after Newt.

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