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Kierra paced back and forth in the dimly lit bedroom, her hands clutching the edges of her robe tightly as she felt another wave of Braxton Hicks contractions wash over her

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Kierra paced back and forth in the dimly lit bedroom, her hands clutching the edges of her robe tightly as she felt another wave of Braxton Hicks contractions wash over her. Each tightening of her abdomen sent a surge of discomfort through her body, and she longed for the reassuring presence of East by her side. Glancing at the clock on the bedside table, Kierra noted with growing unease that it was well past midnight, and there was still no sign of East. Anxiety grew at her insides as she reached for her phone, fingers trembling slightly as she dialed Brooke's number."Hello?" Brooke's voice came through the line, tinged with sleepiness."Brooke, it's Kierra," Kierra said, her voice wavering slightly with worry. "Have you heard from East or Chris? He's not home yet, and I'm starting to get really worried."There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before Brooke responded, her tone filled with concern. "No, Kierra, I haven't heard from them either. But let's not jump to conclusions. They're probably just caught up with something. Try to stay calm."Despite Brooke's reassurances, Kierra couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of her stomach. With each passing moment, her worry intensified, and she felt a sense of helplessness wash over her. Brooke must have sensed her distress because she continued to speak, her voice soothing and gentle. "Kierra, let's take some deep breaths together, okay? Everything will be alright. We'll pray for their safety, and I'll stay on the phone with you until we hear from them."Kierra nodded, grateful for Brooke's comforting presence, even if it was just through the phone. They bowed their heads in silent prayer, sending out heartfelt pleas for East and Chris's safe return.

As East finally made his way home after committing a violent crime, the weight of his actions hung heavy on his shoulders. He knew Kierra would be waiting for him, her worry and concern evident in her eyes. But he couldn't face her, not in the state he was in. He felt soulless, consumed by anger and frustration, and he knew he wouldn't be able to confront her without unleashing his emotions in a way he couldn't control. As he entered the master suite, he found Kierra sitting on the edge of the bed, her eyes filled with a mixture of relief and apprehension at his return. She opened her mouth to speak, no doubt ready to start an argument about his absence, but East cut her off before she could utter a word."Not now, Kierra," East said, his voice strained with the weight of his emotions. "I can't do this right now."Kierra's eyes narrowed in frustration, her patience wearing thin as she tried to reach out to him. "East, we need to talk about this. You can't keep shutting me out like this."But East was already turning away from her, his mind consumed by the events of the night. He couldn't handle her accusations, not when he was already teetering on the edge of losing control. As Kierra continued to press him, her words growing more insistent, East's frustration reached its breaking point. He felt a surge of anger rising within him, threatening to spill over, but before he could respond, he heard Kierra gasp in pain. Turning back to her, he saw the look of agony on her face. Braxton Hicks contractions. Without a word, he moved to her side, ready to assist her, but Kierra pushed him away, her own frustration and pain mirroring his own."Leave me alone, East," Kierra said, her voice laced with tears as she turned away from him, her body tense with pain. "I don't need your help."With a heavy heart, East watched as Kierra retreated from him, leaving him alone in their master suite with his guilt and remorse. He knew he had to find a way to make things right with her, but for now, he was left to wrestle with his demons in the darkness, longing for the warmth of her embrace but knowing he didn't deserve it.

As Kierra sat in the waiting room of the doctor's office, her mind churned with a mix of emotions. Beside her, East sat quietly, his presence a constant reminder of the tension that lingered between them. Despite her anger and frustration, Kierra couldn't deny the knot of worry that tightened in her chest as she waited for her check-up.When the nurse called her name, Kierra rose from her seat, her steps heavy with apprehension as she made her way to the examination room. East followed silently behind her, his expression unreadable as he took a seat beside her. As the doctor entered the room, Kierra braced herself for the barrage of questions and examinations that were sure to follow. But instead of focusing on her own discomfort, her thoughts drifted to the argument she had had with East earlier that morning. The memory of their heated words still fresh in her mind, Kierra couldn't shake the feeling of hurt and betrayal that lingered within her. As the doctor began the examination, Kierra tried to push aside her emotions, focusing instead on the steady rhythm of her baby's heartbeat. But when East reached out to hold her hand, a gesture of comfort and support, Kierra couldn't bring herself to accept it. Pulling away, she turned her gaze toward the opposite wall, her jaw set in stubborn defiance.East's expression softened at her rejection, his eyes filled with a mixture of regret and longing. "Kierra," he said softly, his voice a gentle plea. "I'm sorry for what happened last night. I love you, and I just want what's best for you and our baby." But Kierra remained silent, her heart still raw with pain as she struggled to find the words to express her own hurt. Unable to meet East's gaze, she felt a wave of guilt wash over her at the sight of his wounded expression. Before either of them could speak further, the doctor interrupted, bringing their attention back to the present. As the examination continued, Kierra tried to push aside her feelings of resentment, focusing instead on the well-being of her baby.

As East and Kierra left the doctor's office, relief washed over them both with the news that Kierra was only two centimeter dilated. However, the tension between them remained thick as they made their way to the shopping district.

East attempted to bridge the gap between them by reaching out for Kierra's hand, but she dismissed him, keeping her distance

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East attempted to bridge the gap between them by reaching out for Kierra's hand, but she dismissed him, keeping her distance. His heart sank at the rejection, but he remained determined to salvage the day. As they perused the shops, East made every effort to engage Kierra in conversation, but she remained distant, her thoughts seemingly elsewhere. Frustration grew, but he knew that arguing would only make things worse. Finally, unable to bear the silence any longer, Kierra spoke up, her voice edged with frustration. "Material things and sex won't fix our problems, East," she said, her words hanging heavy in the air. "We need to talk about what's really going on between us, especially with the baby coming."East nodded, understanding the gravity of Kierra's words. "You're right, Kierra," he admitted, his voice tinged with regret. "I know I haven't been the best boyfriend lately, but I want to make things right. I love you, and I'll do whatever it takes to make this work."Kierra's expression softened slightly at his sincerity, and she reached out to take his hand, a silent acknowledgment of his efforts. Together, they continued their shopping excursion, the tension between them gradually easing as they allowed themselves to enjoy the simple pleasure of each other's company. As they sat down for lunch, East took a deep breath, steeling himself to reveal the truth about his ties to the streets. "Kierra, there's something I need to tell you," he began, his voice hesitant. "My job...it's obviously not legal. I've been involved in some things that I'm not proud of, but I'm trying to make changes for our sake and for the sake of our daughter."Kierra listened quietly, her eyes widening in surprise at his confession. But instead of anger or judgment, she reached out to take his hand, her touch a silent reassurance of her support."Thank you for telling me, East," she said, her voice filled with love and understanding. "We'll figure this out together. I believe in us."With a sense of relief washing over him, East squeezed Kierra's hand tightly, grateful for her unwavering love and support. And as they sat together, enjoying their meal in the warmth of each other's company, East couldn't help but feel a sense of hope for their future.

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