Family First ..

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As the soft morning light filtered through the curtains, Kierra sat in bed, cradling her newborn daughter, Kai, against her chest

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As the soft morning light filtered through the curtains, Kierra sat in bed, cradling her newborn daughter, Kai, against her chest. The room was filled with a peaceful silence, broken only by the gentle sounds of Kai nursing. Beside her, East lay sleeping, his phone buzzing with notifications that he chose to ignore. Today, he wanted to be fully present as a father and a supportive partner to Kierra, determined to make up for his recent absence. After finishing the feeding, Kierra carefully placed Kai back in her bassinet, her heart heavy with conflicting emotions. She longed for East's presence and support, but the distance between them seemed insurmountable. Leaving the room with her baby in tow, Kierra descended the stairs, her mind filled with thoughts of the future and the challenges that lay ahead. She hoped that today would be different.

Meanwhile, East stirred awake, his gaze falling on the empty space beside him where Kierra had been moments before. Regret washed over him as he realized the impact of his actions on their relationship. Checking his phone, East saw a message from Kierra, expressing her desire for him to be more present and supportive. With a heavy sigh, he knew he needed to make things right. Apologizing to Kierra, East promised to do better, to be the partner and father she deserved. Kierra accepted his apology, but the distance between them remained, her lack of affection a silent reminder of the work that lay ahead. Determined to make amends, East suggested that Kierra take some time to rest while he watched over Kai. As she agreed, East held their daughter close, his heart filled with a newfound determination to be the father he needed him to be.

In his lavish living room, East sat with his baby girl cradled in his arms, multitasking between tending to his daughter's needs and managing his business affairs over the phone

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In his lavish living room, East sat with his baby girl cradled in his arms, multitasking between tending to his daughter's needs and managing his business affairs over the phone. Despite the urgency of his work, East had made a conscious decision to prioritize his family, refusing to leave the house and instead choosing to be present for his daughter and girlfriend. Between calls, East couldn't shake the overwhelming desire to show Kierra just how much she meant to him. With a determined spirit, he had arranged for 100 roses and a brand new Birkin bag to be delivered to her, a token of his love and appreciation for the gift of their daughter. But as the day wore on, East's thoughts turned to something even more significant: a proposal. He wanted to take their relationship to the next level, to show Kierra that he was committed to building a future together. Yet, doubt gnawed at him. Would she say yes? Was he truly ready for such a monumental step?Seeking guidance, East reached out to his mother, Mrs. Brewster, for advice. As he poured out his heart to her, Mrs. Brewster listened with a patient ear, her words resonating deeply with East."Be a man and a father, son," she advised, her voice filled with wisdom born from experience. "The streets won't love you like your family, especially the women you lay next to every night."Her words struck a chord within East, reminding him of the importance of prioritizing his family above all else. With a renewed sense of purpose, East knew what he had to do. He would go through with his plan, not because of fear or uncertainty, but because he was ready to embrace the responsibilities of fatherhood and the commitment of a loving partnership. As the evening came, East prepared to present Kierra with his tokens of love and commitment, his heart filled with hope and determination for the future.

Kierra stirred awake, her breasts full with the need to feed her baby girl. With a sigh, she slipped out of bed. Padding down the stairs, Kierra was greeted by the sight of her sleeping daughter on her dad chest, her tiny chest rising and falling with each gentle breath. East sat on the couch, watching TV in the dim light of the room. As Kierra approached, she couldn't help but gasp in surprise at the sight of the beautiful flower arrangement and the brand new Birkin bag sitting on the coffee table.

The gesture took her breath away, and for a moment, she forgot about the doubts and fears that had tugged at her heart

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The gesture took her breath away, and for a moment, she forgot about the doubts and fears that had tugged at her heart. Turning to East, she found him watching her with a look of love and anticipation in his eyes. Without a word, he gently placed Kai in her bassinet, his movements tender and careful. Then, he enveloped Kierra in his arms, holding her close as he expressed his love and remorse for everything that had transpired."I'm sorry, Kierra," East whispered, his voice filled with sincerity. "I know I haven't been the man you needed me to be, but I want to change that. I want to step up and be the partner and father you deserve."Tears welled up in Kierra's eyes as she listened to East's words, her heart torn between love and fear. She wanted to believe him, to trust that he could change, but the scars of their past struggles still lingered, casting a shadow of doubt over her hopes for the future."I love you, East," Kierra murmured, her voice choked with emotion. "But I'm afraid. I'm afraid that you won't be able to be the man I need you to be."As they held each other in the quiet of the room, Kierra couldn't help but wonder if their love was strong enough to overcome the obstacles. Only time would tell if East's promises were sincere.

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