Love In The City

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East decided it was time to take Kierra out on a much-needed date night, a chance to reconnect away from the pressures of daily life. As they sat in the elegant restaurant, East couldn't help but admire his wife's beauty.

"You look beautiful, babe," he murmured, his eyes filled with sincerity.

Kierra smiled softly, her gaze wandering around the restaurant's aesthetic

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Kierra smiled softly, her gaze wandering around the restaurant's aesthetic. "Thank you. This place is nice," she replied, taking in the ambiance.

Grateful for the opportunity to spend quality time together, East reached for Kierra's hand, a silent gesture of appreciation. "No, thank you for coming with me. We can use a night out, baby-free," he remarked, his voice tinged with longing.

Kierra's curiosity was piqued as she observed her husband's nervous demeanor. "Well, you've got my attention, David. What's on your mind?" she inquired, her gaze unwavering.

Taking a deep breath, East spoke from the heart, his words laced with sincerity. "I know I messed up, and I should have been there with you. You're not in this marriage alone. I'm here, babe. You and Kai are my world, and I love you both more than anything," he confessed.

Kierra met his gaze with a mixture of emotion, her resolve unyielding. "No more apologies. Just do better if you want this marriage. If not, let me go," she asserted firmly, her words cutting through the tension.

East's heart sank at her words, his own frustration bubbling to the surface. "You don't love me?" he questioned, his voice tinged with hurt.

Kierra's response was unwavering. "Of course, I do. But I love myself more, and I love Kai. She deserves a happy mom," she explained, her tone resolute.

As they sat in silence, East realized the depth of Kierra's pain and his own shortcomings. He knew he needed to step up and prioritize their family, but the pull of the streets still held a tight grip on him.

With a heavy heart, East reached for Kierra's hand, his touch gentle yet pleading. "I do love you, and I'm sorry," he admitted, his voice filled with remorse.

Kierra's eyes softened as she looked at him, the weight of their struggles evident in her gaze. "I want to believe you, but we have the same argument every other month or so. I'm over it, babe," she confessed.

As they finished their meal in silence, East couldn't shake the feeling of remorse and the realization that he needed to make better choices

As they finished their meal in silence, East couldn't shake the feeling of remorse and the realization that he needed to make better choices

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