Honeymoon or Babymoon ???!

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After all the post marriage rituals, SidSa had left for their honeymoon to Mauritius, meanwhile Moran went to Paris and London for their honeymoon.

On reaching London, Monami was mesmerized looking at the Big Ben that stood tall, they enjoyed the cab ride to their hotel , Karan went to the reception and inquired about the room booking that had been booked on his name .The receptionist was an old lady who smiled at Karan and handed over the room keys and wished them a Happy Stay.

Karan helped Monami ,and they walked to the lift across the passage. Since their room was on the second floor , they were accompanied by a young boy about 17 years who helped them with the luggage. Karan opened the room door and was surprised seeing the decorations as it had lots of heart shaped balloons and the bed was covered with rose petals , also there were two complimentary cakes kept for them, one which wished them Happy Honeymoon and the other which had the Congratulations, Baby On Board message. The young boy gave the couple their privacy and left the luggage.  Monami sat on the bed as the journey was quite exhausting too.  Karan freshened up First,and set the luggage well while Monami had dozed off to sleep. Karan too slept later as he too was really tired after all the marriage functions and the travel. It was nearly six in the evening, when Karan woke up from deep slumber. He felt fresh after a refreshing sleep. He looked beside himself and saw Monami was still asleep with a beautiful smile adorning her face . He bent forward and placed a kiss on her forehead. This broke Monami's sleep and she woke up . Karan helped her freshen up and they changed into comfortable clothes and wore their jackets as the temperature had started to drop. They went for a stroll in the nearby streets where Monami found a lot of cute souvenirs that could be taken back home for their family and friends. They roamed the streets until the aroma of freshly prepared chocolates caught their olfactory senses. Monami who was in her second month of pregnancy and was about to step in the third was attracted she quickly followed the aroma and reached a small cafe where hot chocolate was being prepared in the authentic way. Karan had to run to keep pace with Monami.  They sat on a bench which was facing  the street on the opposite side.  They ordered two hot chocolates along with croissants.  They relishedthe tempting dessert and walked to enjoy the beauty of London at night. It was nearly around 9.30pm when they returned back and slept soundly.  The next few days passed in a jiffy as they enjoyed sight seeing and also romanced a lot .

The evening just before they had to head to Paris, they danced on the street when they saw an old man playing the violin.  Although they both were not really good at dancing, they both danced really well and everyone who watched them went in complete aww looking at them perform the dance in a synchronized manner. The next day they left for Paris where they were welcomed by the Eiffel Tower, whose top was reached th sky and kissed the clouds.  It was Monami's dream as a child to see the Eiffel Tower and on seeing it she was extremely happy, out on her excitement she hugged Karan and kissed him on his cheeks. Karan was taken aback by her bold move but Monami who was really happy didn't realize her public stunt, while Karan was blushing like a teenager whose Crush had spoken to him. Moran quickly checked into their hotel, while Monami who was really excited quickly freshened up and stood in the balcony of their room enjoying the view of the Eiffel Tower which was visible . Karan too freshened up and they headed out for a cruise.  They enjoyed the cruise on the river , and later Karan planned a surprise for Monami.  He asked her to dress up quickly while he too freshened up and went to make the necessary arrangements.  In a  while ,Monami dressed nicely and Karan took her to Eiffel Tower .They went to the topmost floor,where Karan had made a reservation at a cafe. The table was kept near the glass window and the whole of Paris with its twinkling lights was seen. Monami was in complete aww with the view. She was soooo Happpy seeing the view. Karan ordered pizza and cakes and they enjoyed their post remarriage ,date on the EiffelTower!

While going back to their hotel, Monami was having pain in her abdomen, initially she felt it could be because of her pregnancy but soon the pain started worsening.  Karan panicked and quickly took her to the nearest hospital.  She was taken to the emergency department where they quickly did her clinical examination. They started a saline and her blood was sent to the laboratories. Soon a female doctor came and examined her , luckily Moran's baby was safe. She had sudden pain because she had not taken adequate rest after reaching Paris. Also when the blood reports came, they even got to k ow that they would be blessed with a baby girl.

Karan was on cloudnine as he always a wanted a baby girl and now that he was going to be blessed with a baby girl his happiness knew no bounds. Monami was discharged and ,they went back to their hotel room!

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