Chapter 414: The Despair of the Mo Lou (2)

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Translator: Daoist6fubtiW

Confidence in his own strength.

“You only have one chance.” Su Yang spoke again.

“Then let’s do it.” Mo Lou didn’t say anything else.

It is useless to say more when you see the real chapter in your hands.

Both sides represented different factions, and at the same time, they had absolute confidence in their strength.

Under such circumstances, how could they lower their heads to each other?

Just as they finished speaking, the voice of the universe consciousness rang out again.

“Countdown to the last month. Sensory restriction removed.”

Su Yang and Mo Lou looked up at each other at the same time.

At this moment, both sides attacked with their full strength.

Su Yang’s sword intent instantly spread for thousands of miles.

Mo Lou raised his hand and a black slash rushed towards Su Yang.

Su Yang instantly disappeared from where he was and his main body appeared in another position.

“Your strength… It’s very strange.”

“Do you know why?”

“Yes.” Mo Lou did not wait for Su Yang to answer and continued, “Although I still lack some key things and haven’t stepped into the Great Dao Realm, I can already grasp some of the nomological power of the Great Dao Realm.”

“Otherwise… What do you think I used to suppress the other evil gods?”

“How about it? Admit defeat.“

Su Yang chuckled.

“You are indeed special, but I can’t lose. I’m the only one who will win this battle.”

His sword intent could transform into ten thousand techniques. Attacks.. Escape… Dodge… Predictions…

These abilities were all top-notch existences in this realm.

Moreover, this was just a clone. Even if it died, it could still be reformed.

So what if the Mo Lou had strength that surpassed the half-step realm?

As long as he could not kill him, he would have a chance.

“Hmph, stubborn!”

After being repeatedly rejected, the Mo Lou was also a little angry.

No matter what Su Yang thought, he no longer held back and attacked with all his might.

In an instant, the scene was enveloped by black gas, and Su Yang was also covered in it.

This speed was too fast, so fast that Su Yang did not have enough time to react.

However, this black gas did not have any offensive power. It only restricted his figure.

It made Su Yang feel that his movements had become much slower.

Unfortunately… This was ineffective against him!

His speed… It was the speed of space!

With the help of the sword intent, he could instantly leave his original spot.

Unless he was restricted in the spatial dimension, everything else was useless.

Above Su Yang’s head, a Starfire Sword was already condensing.

[401-600] MY SWORD INTENT CAN BE INFINITELY IMPROVED Where stories live. Discover now