Chapter 490: Dark Creatures, Great Harvest!

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Translator: Daoist6fubtiW

After entering this underground world, his perception had recovered. He could now sense a range of five kilometers. He instantly knew what was going on ahead. It was a creature with an extremely strange body.

In his perception, these creatures were about two meters in size and looked similar to humans. However, their bodies were pitch-black and their muscles were like rocks. They looked like stone people.

With Su Yangs appearance, these dark creatures were all awakened.

A killing intent locked onto Su Yang.

In Su Yangs perception, there were 97 Dark Stone Men in this area.

The moment he landed, they all attacked him.

Since he couldn’t dodge, he would kill!

In an instant, Su Yang made a decision. He would first get rid of this group of Dark Stone Golems. If there were no other dark creatures within a ten-mile radius, he would get rid of these 97 Dark Stone Golems first. Then, the danger would be temporarily resolved.

Although the strength of these Dark Stone Men was not bad, they were still much weaker than Su Yang.

With a thought, long swords suddenly condensed and fell on these Dark Stone Golems under Su Yangs control.

These Dark Stone Golems were easily cut in half.

The Dark Stone Golem’s corpse suddenly changed after being cut in half by him.

It turned into a black fog in front of Su Yang and finally turned into a black crystal.

It seemed that this was the remains of the dark creatures.

There was no time to take a closer look as the battle continued.

Su Yangs sword light kept flashing in the underground world.

The endless sword intent was unleashed by him.

During the battle, Su Yang also had a clear understanding of these Dark Stone Men.

Their strength was basically at the early-stage Great Dao Realm. To him, they were very weak.

After careful observation, there were also some problems.

The power in some of the Dark Stone Golems ‘bodies was equivalent to containing many types of laws, but the power in these Dark Stone Golems’ bodies was not composed of laws. It was a power he had never felt before.

Very powerful…

Among them, the strongest Dark Stone Golem was equivalent to an early-stage Great Dao Realm that could contain a hundred laws!

Such strength was enough to threaten a middle-stage Great Dao Realm expert.

It seemed that the situation in this dark world was not simple,

A moment later, he had killed all 97 Dark Stone Golems.

There weren’t any broken limbs, only ninety-seven egg-sized black crystals.

Upon closer inspection, the ninety-seven black crystals seemed to be somewhat different.

There were wisps of black gas inside. Some had a few wisps, some had dozens of wisps, and some had hundreds of wisps…

Seeing this scene, Su Yang instantly understood that this was related to the strength of the Dark Stone Golem.

The stronger one was, the more black gas there was.

Perhaps it also meant that the value was higher.

As for whether it was true or not, Su Yang immediately understood.

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