Chapter 473: 300,000 Stage One Law Points! (2)

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Translator: Daoist6fubtiW

However, if he continued to slaughter immortal, the other party would definitely stop him even if they had to pay a price. They wouldn’t let him continue to slaughter endlessly.

Su Yang couldn’t help but shake his head. It seemed that his plan to kill immortal life forms and obtain a large amount of resources was going to fail.

Fortunately, he still had alchemy skills. It would definitely not be a problem for him to slowly improve with his own methods. In the future, he could also think of a way to try to occupy a node battlefield. His strength could still increase.

Now, he could only agree to the other party’s request.

As for whether the other party was telling the truth, he had already understood through the information vault of the Chaos Court that the other party could indeed do it.

All kinds of thoughts came back to him, and Su Yang softly spat out a word.

“Alright, I won’t continue to slaughter the immortals weaker than me. However, if you dare to provoke me, then don’t blame me.”

“That’s how it should be.” Cloudless Night nodded indifferently.

After Su Yang agreed, Cloudless Night quickly left the place. He was not afraid that Su Yang would go back on his word.

If he really went back on his word, at most, some more clansmen would die before activating that treasure to target Su Yang.

Su Yang did not care about the other party and began to organize his gains. In a short period of time, he had slaughtered five immortal strongholds and obtained a lot of white mid-grade immortal crystals.

After some sorting, those white middle-grade immortal crystals with dao marks were converted…

He obtained a total of 100 white mid-grade immortal crystals, allowing him to gain 100 points of golden will of all living beings every day.

Adding on the accumulation from the previous two months, he could now gain 400 points of golden will of all living beings every day.

From now on, he could clearly feel that his strength was growing faster and faster…

Currently, it was 400 points per day, but this number would only increase as time passed.

Su Yang secretly calculated this matter in his heart.

Now that he couldn’t slaughter the undyings weaker than him, he could only find a place to collect resources.

Of course, this was only temporary. As long as he found an opportunity, he would attack mercilessly.

Killing immortals gave him huge benefits, he just didn’t want to target them.

However, if he accidentally provoked him, he would not let it go.

Su Yang thought about this with a smile.

He considered where he should go.

He could not occupy the white high-grade core area by himself. After all, that was a position that only late-stage Great Dao Realm cultivators could occupy.

In the past, it was impossible for him to monopolize or even snatch resources.

Currently, there was still a huge gap between him and late-stage Great Dao Realm cultivators.

He just did not know what would happen after he filled up all the nodes of the first stage of the law.

Currently, he had only lit up 40,000 first-stage nomological nodes. He was still quite a distance away from the 300,000 perfected ones.

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