Chapter 495: Night Descends!

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Translator: Daoist6fubtiW

There were about 20,000 cultivators gathered outside the city.

The tremors of the earth also told them that the Dark Stone Golems were coming!

The Purple Sun Holy Man’s gaze was not in front of him, but in other directions.

They were facing the Dark Stone Golems, but the other three directions were not.

The other members who were in charge of collecting information had already sent the news back to them.

Even in the east, Su Yang was not the only explorer.

They had all kinds of abilities, and how could they pin their hopes on Su Yang alone?

Except for the underground world on their side.

There was also the Dark Forest. There were groups of Dark Wolves there. Whether it was in the forest or attacking the city, they were not weak.

There were also swamps, where all kinds of swamp creatures lived. There were many species, and the danger was even greater in the swamps, but outside the swamps, the danger should be lesser.

Finally, there was a special human city. This city was very strange.

It was a city of technological civilization, but there were no traces of humans in it. It was filled with dark aberrations.

It was huge and had many tricks up its sleeve.

The Chaos contained thousands of universes. It was not that technological planets did not exist, but these technological planets could not leave the universe.

In the current chaotic universe, even the powerful technological civilization that ruled the entire universe did not break through the restrictions of the universe and enter the chaos.

Perhaps the technology was not enough, or perhaps it was simply not enough. Regardless, there were no technological cultivators in the Chaos.

As for the convenience of technology… As a cultivator who had mastered this level of power.

That really didn’t matter.

Therefore, there were no technological civilizations in the Chaos.

However, just because it didn’t exist didn’t mean that they didn’t know.

The dark aberrations in this city were also not simple, and they were also extremely powerful.

None of the four directions were easy.

Would it be easier in the direction of the swamp?

Was the danger level definitely not that high?

These were all uncertain things.

All sorts of information flashed through the Purple Sun Holy Man’s mind.

At this moment, he did not have the time to think so much.

He could only secretly pray that the other directions could be defended, and that he could defend himself.

Even though he knew the strength of the monster that appeared tonight, the Purple Sun Holy Man did not dare to relax.

The dark creatures that had been mobilized were indeed perfected Great Dao Realm experts. They could barely deal with them.

However, this was only the beginning of the night. What about the rest?

Moreover, even if they could block it, it would only be because the experts of the dark creatures had not made a move yet.

It wasn’t because they were strong enough.

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