Chapter 488: The Dark World (2)

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Translator: Daoist6fubtiW

Everyone gathered together. They had nothing to do, so they were not in a hurry to cultivate, They began to chat.

“This Two Realm Mystic Realm is indeed a little special. I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse this time. I wonder how strong those so-called dark creatures are.” Ren Chengkong sounded worried.

“Indeed, the Two Realm Mystic Realm this time is very special. However, I don’t think we need to worry too much about those dark creatures.”

“Since we can only enter the Great Dao Realm at most, then the strength of those dark creatures will definitely not exceed this realm. Otherwise, there would be no point for us to enter.”

Chen Tianheng expressed his opinion, and the others nodded in agreement.

Su Yang felt that it was reasonable. If their strength was only at the Great Dao Realm, but there were existences in the Chaotic Realm or even stronger among the dark creatures, then they would be courting death if they came in. This time, the Two Realm Secret Realm had become a trap.

This kind of thing was probably impossible, because the journey of the Two Realm Secret Land also involved the chaotic consciousness and the inner consciousness.

This was something created by the consciousness of the two realms, and cultivators like them were the foundation of the two realms.

The existence of Chaos cultivators like them was related to the possibility of Chaos becoming stronger.

Just this bit of chaotic consciousness alone wouldn’t harm him.

Since the consciousness of chaos would not harm them, the dangers in the Two Realm Secret Land would not be too terrifying. At most, they would be a little stronger than them.

As the topic unfolded, their team began to express their views.

Now, they were curious about the so-called dark life form. They wanted to know what it looked like.

Killing those dark lifeforms at the same time would not bring them any benefits.

How strong were the dark creatures?

What were the so-called remnants of dark life?

All kinds of questions were thrown out by them one by one, but these questions could only be answered after they saw and killed the dark creatures.

After discussing this topic for a while, they quickly ran out of topics. After all, if they wanted to continue the discussion, they needed more information. Right now, they were very lacking in information.

Next, their topic shifted to the exchange shop.

The items in the Exchange Shop could be said to contain all kinds of resources, whether it was Law Stones, various materials, natural treasures, or chaos spirits.

There was only one requirement to exchange for these items, and that was the Two World Point.

In their opinion, they could exchange for a lot of resources with a small number of Two World Points.

For example, White low-grade resources could be exchanged for 1,000 sets with only one Two World Point.

In that case, one could even compare a Two World Point to a white middle-grade resource.

It was extremely expensive.

After observing the items and exchange prices in the exchange list, their emotions instantly soared.

The items on the exchange list were simply too comprehensive. Even perfected Great Dao Realm existences like them would go crazy over them. As long as they could exchange for some of the resources, it was not impossible for them to break through to the early-stage Chaotic Realm.

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