Chapter 524: A New World (2)

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Translator: Daoist6fubtiW

Since it was a battle, he had to end it quickly. There was no need to drag things out. Moreover, he had already made preparations for this. Now that he saw this result, he naturally would not hesitate anymore.

This huge dark life form threw a punch at Su Yang. Facing this punch, Su Yang could easily dodge it, but he didn’t dodge it. He just let the attack of this dark life form fall on him.

In the next moment, Su Yang’s clone was blown up by this huge mutant. Seeing Su Yang die in front of it, a trace of joy flashed across the mutant’s eyes.

It was as if he was saying that this damned cultivator was finally dead!

However, in the next second, Su Yang appeared on the spot again. This situation stunned the aberrations.

What was going on? Didn’t he kill this cultivator with a single punch? Why did it appear again?

There were many doubts in the mind of the aberrations, but he knew that he should continue to attack and completely kill this reckless cultivator!

Therefore, the aberrations attacked directly!

A huge force blasted out once again!

Su Yang did not panic when he saw this. He stood calmly on the spot and raised the long sword in his hand. In the next moment, countless long swords rose from his back and turned into a sea of swords. As he pointed forward slightly, countless long swords surged forward like a sword dragon covering the sky and rushed towards the target.

The target of the countless swords was naturally the aberrations.

The huge arm of the aberrations was like paper in front of countless swords. Under Su Yang’s watch, it disintegrated bit by bit. In less than three breaths, the entire arm of the aberrations was crushed by the sword qi he condensed!


An incomparably painful roar came from the mouth of this aberrations. Even though they were dark lifeforms, they still had senses.

However, this was only the beginning. How could Su Yang’s attack end just like that? What he wanted was the life of this mutant!

The sword qi dragon danced in the air, but it did not disappear just because it crushed one of the aberrations ‘arms. Su Yang then used his mind to command the sword qi long sword to change its direction and cut directly at the head of the aberrations!

In the next moment, the sword qi dragon crashed into the head of the mutant.

The result was obvious. The mutant’s strength was not as good as Su Yang’s. Now that it had been attacked at its fatal weakness, how could it survive?

Its entire head was instantly blown apart by the sword qi. At the same time, the body of the aberrations began to emit a resplendent black light. After the black light flickered, it transformed into a dark crystal!

Su Yang calmly put the dark crystal into his pocket. In this way, this dark city would be completely taken down by him. There would be no dark life in the entire city. Now, he would explore this place alone, and all the gains would go into his pocket.

Su Yang couldn’t wait to take action. He hadn’t even counted the spoils of war from this battle. Compared to the spoils of war, he wanted to put the white top-grade law land cores that he had long taken a fancy to into his internal universe. That way, the cultivators in his internal universe could grow faster. If he delayed for a while, the time in his internal universe would not be short.

After a round of searching, he found a total of five white top-grade law land cores. When he obtained them, he threw them into his internal universe. At the same time, he told Gu Xiu about these gains and asked him to arrange for the people who would enter to cultivate.

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