Chapter 543: Breakthrough, Primal Chaos Realm!

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Translator: Daoist6fubtiW

Just like that, another month passed.

The three strongholds all had new developments.

At the same time, Su Yang himself was about to usher in a new breakthrough.

Su Yang looked at the interface. The accumulated golden will of all living beings was completely enough.

Now, he only needed to send a thought down, and his realm would instantly enter the next level.

Primal Chaos Realm!

After he completed his breakthrough, the territory he occupied in the Origin World would rapidly expand.

However… Correspondingly, the resources he needed for his cultivation would also increase by a large margin.

Su Yang knew about this.

No matter what, it was better to complete the breakthrough first.


Su Yang did not think too much about it. He would think about what would happen next.

What he needed to do now was to break through!

[Su Yang]

[Realm: Early Chaotic Realm]

[Cultivation Direction: Internal Universe]

Universe Law: 3,000

[Law level: Stage Five 0%(100 trillion golden will of all living beings =1%)]

[Universe Range: 30 billion/300 billion light-years]

[Life Planet: 30 billion light years (Note: 1,000 per light year)]

[Golden Will of All Beings produced: 300 billion points/day]

[Universe Time Flow: 100 Million Times]

[Law node, fifth stage: 0/300,000 (100 million golden beings ‘will can be increased by 1 point)]

With just a thought, the increase in strength was completed.

His strength had also skyrocketed at this moment.

Primal Chaos realm, fifth stage laws!

Su Yang felt the power of law in his body that had completed the upgrade.

His nomological powers were all condensed from sword intent.

Although it had various attributes, its essence was still the evolution of sword intent.

Su Yang called this law the sword intent law!

After his sword intent laws all broke through to the fifth stage, Su Yang also carefully studied the gap with the fourth stage.

In just a moment, the comparison between the two appeared in his mind.

Great Dao Realm breakthrough… His strength had increased tremendously.

Similarly, these nomological changes were also extremely huge!

With his strength, he could only fight to a draw with an early-stage Primal Chaos realm cultivator who cultivated a single law even though he cultivated 3,000 laws at the same time!

He had already found a time to test this out.

The test naturally did not allow a real Primal Chaos Realm cultivator to fight him.

He had only battled with a Primal Chaos realm cultivator’s afterimage.

At that time, he had fought to a draw with the Primal Chaos Realm cultivator’s afterimage.

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