Chapter 417: Chaos Court, The Benefits of Identity!

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Translator: Daoist6fubtiW

It was over…

Many Immortal Realm cultivators were expelled from the Immortal Dimension Realm by the universe consciousness.

The entire Immortal Dimension Realm was disbanded.

Everything might be boiling for a while, but Su Yang did not join in the fun.

After that, he left alone.

He no longer needed to stay in the Immortal Realm.

Many things that he didn’t understand became clear after the war in space.

At this moment, he was nominally the ruler of this universe. Naturally, he had the authority to communicate with the universe consciousness.

First of all, many Saints pursued a higher level of power.

They could borrow the power of the universe to reach the Great Dao Realm.

This was actually no different for universe Saints.

Their strength was originally obtained by refining the Saint fruit.

The Saint realm was the power of the universe.

This was the power growth that all universe Saints looked forward to the most.

Unfortunately, it was useless to Su Yang.

His strength was obtained through his own cultivation.

Even if he could borrow the power of the universe to grasp the power of the Great Dao Realm, what was the use? He could only use it in the universe.

He was already considered invincible in the universe.

This reward was useless.

There was also the barrier between the immortal realm and the mortal realm.

This thing did not have any shocking conspiracy.

It was purely created by the consciousness of the universe.

They restricted the powerful cultivators and put them together.

They were not allowed to move in the Mortal Domain.

It was to prevent them from wreaking havoc.

The mortal domain could not withstand the power of the immortal path.

The Mortal Domain was equally important to the universe. It was the foundation of the universe.

If they couldn’t act recklessly, there would be a difference between immortals and mortals.

With the end of the war, there was nothing in the Great Xia Universe that he didn’t know.

It was time for him to leave the Great Xia Universe and head to the Primal Chaos Court.

However… He had to give an explanation.

He couldn’t use his avatar on this trip to the Primal Chaos Court.

You have to go to the main body.

Since he was joining this extremely powerful force, he had to be more formal.

As for the danger…

It did not exist.

If the Chaotic Court wanted to attack him, they would have done so long ago, As for accidents…

Could it be that there would be no accidents if he stayed in the Great Xia Universe?

Not necessarily.

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