Chapter 437: Seizing Luck! (2)

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Translator: Daoist6fubtiW

This law crystal was flickering with traces of lightning. It was a lightning-type law crystal.

No matter what law it was, the moment this thing appeared.

All the cultivators hiding in the area moved out at once.

Someone from Water Pavilion immediately rushed out of the hidden space and reached out to snatch the nomological crystal.

Su Yangs gaze was fixed on it. The first to attack was a one-eyed immortal.

At the same time he attacked, the other 3 one-eyed immortals appeared.

However, they didn’t rush toward the nomological crystals. They only formed a defensive formation, prepared to stop others from snatching them.

“Attack! ”

Fang Han shouted.

The other cultivators all attacked the immortal at the same time.

As for the immortal snatching the law crystals, the chaos cultivators only had one opinion.

If he could snatch it, then he would, if he couldn’t, then he would think of a way to kill the immortal.

Even if he couldn’t kill them, he could at least injure them.

He only needed to achieve one of these goals.

Therefore, in an instant, a large number of nomological divine arts bombarded over.

Any cultivator who wanted to seize resources would inevitably be baptized by such attacks.

Even Chaos cultivators couldn’t escape the bombardment of immortal life forms.

Only by blocking the attack could he enjoy the harvest.

Fang Han did not need to shout.

Su Yang had already made his move the moment he saw the immortal life form appear.

He had long wanted to test the power of seizing luck.

He just didn’t want to make the wrong move, so he had been enduring it.

Now that he had confirmed his target, he naturally did not need to worry.

“Luck Snatch!”

Su Yangs body flashed with luck law, it enveloped a one-eyed immortal in front of him.

In a perspective that no one could see, the power of the law of luck controlled by Su Yang was pulling the luck on the other party’s body.

In an instant, ten wisps of white luck were taken away and added to Su Yangs body.

The white luck on Su Yangs body also turned from three wisps to thirteen wisps in an instant.

Not bad!

After gaining something, Su Yang became even more motivated, grabbing this one-eyed immortal and crazily snatching its luck.

The other cultivators didn’t know what was going on, but as the victim, the one-eyed immortal naturally felt that something was wrong.

That one-eyed instantly stared at Su Yang.

“Chaos cultivators! How dare you steal my luck? Die!”

The one-eyed immortal instantly exploded, his reaction was extremely huge.

Without saying a word, he took the initiative to attack Su Yang.

Su Yang was shocked.

What a big reaction!

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