Chapter 503: Guarding the Night Again (2)

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Translator: Daoist6fubtiW

Su Yang’s sword intent slash hit the other party’s body, but at most, it would leave a sword mark. If he wanted to kill him, he would still need to spend some effort.

He couldn’t kill them instantly.

However, from the moment Su Yang’s attack landed on the Fire-type Stone Golem and broke its defense, the victory of this battle was destined to belong to Su Yang.

Within the range of Su Yang’s 20-mile domain, no attack from the Fire-type Stone Golem could land on Su Yang’s body. Originally, this Fire-type Stone Golem only had a single law. Its strength and physique were indeed very strong, but its speed could not be compared to Su Yang at all.

Su Yang relied on this characteristic and used his high mobility to grind down this fire-type Stone Golem.

Just like that, about an hour later, the fire-type Stone Golem in front of Su Yang was already covered in wounds, and not a single part of its body was intact.

The most terrifying thing was that his neck had been completely split open. Only a little connection was left, and it was about to break at any time. At this time, Su Yang also made the final blow at the right time, completely cutting off the head of the Fire Stone Golem!

After completing this attack, Su Yang also let out a sigh of relief.

It was finally over. This kind of stone man whose strength was similar to his was really not easy to kill.

Then, Su Yang looked at the fiery red crystal condensed in front of him and smiled again.

Although it was difficult to deal with dark creatures that were about the same strength as him, as long as he could deal with them, the rewards would be huge, such as the fire dark crystal in front of him.

After the exchange, it was equivalent to 1.5 million two realm points!

The harvest of this dark life form was already so huge, and the number was even more unimaginable. This was also the main reason why Su Yang was able to gather 300 million Realm Points in just two days.

Hunting without sleep or rest and gathering 300 million Realm Points in two days really took Su Yang a lot of effort.

After dealing with the Fire Stone Golem in his hand, Su Yang finally had time to observe the battlefield.

There were a total of 13 Stone Golems with special attributes. One of them had already been killed by Su Yang, and there were still 12 left. These 12 Stone Golems with special attributes were stopped by 12 perfected Great Dao Realm cultivators to fight.

The twelve of them were in different situations, but most of them were at a disadvantage. Only the Purple Sun Holy Man seemed to be in a lot of trouble. He had the upper hand with his strength and was constantly leaving injuries on the earth attributed Stone Golem. As long as he was given some time, he would definitely be able to win.

Other than the Purple Sun Holy Man, there were two other members of the Chaotic Court who also had the advantage. Victory was only a matter of time, but it would also take a long time.

Other than these three, the other nine were in a bad situation. According to their current situation, they were all at a disadvantage. They could forget about winning, but it should not be a problem to drag it out until dawn.

On the other hand, the Chaotic Court had a huge advantage on the other levels of the battlefield.

Seeing this, Su Yang had an idea in his heart. He nodded and thought to himself, “Tonight’s defense is no longer a problem.”

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