Chapter 415: End, Name the Universe!

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Translator: Daoist6fubtiW


The collision of power…

The void exploded…

The terrifying shockwaves turned into torrents, wreaking havoc in this space. The sturdy battlefield was torn apart!

“Not good! ”

Mo Lou’s eyes widened as he watched his mo matrix being torn apart.

His attack was disintegrated the moment it came into contact with Su Yangs attack.

It was not that his strength was inferior to Su Yangs… It was Su Yangs sword technique that was strange!

The perception power of the Mo Lou had always been locked onto the battlefield. Before it erupted, Su Yangs sword move had an aura seal, so he could not sense it.

After a head-on confrontation and a complete explosion of power, the two of them were stunned.

He immediately understood the problem.

Su Yangs every strike was a full-force attack, but his moves were not like that.

In this case, the power of his attack was naturally inferior to Su Yangs.

He was no match for him in a head-on confrontation.

Fortunately, he also knew Su Yangs weakness.

Mo Lou stretched out his hand, and a black gourd appeared in his hand.

There was a wooden stopper on the black gourd. When Mo Lou pulled out the stopper, a powerful suction force appeared, forming a black hole in the space.

Su Yangs sword moves were all absorbed into it!

Mo Lou did not stop for a moment. It raised its hand and another birdcage appeared.

The birdcage was not big and floated in the air. Under the control of Mo Lou, it instantly enveloped Su Yang.

From then on, Su Yang had nowhere to hide, and his attack was also resolved. Mo Lou’s victory was in their hands.

This was Su Yangs weakness.

He was very strong, but the speed of his improvement was too fast, too fast.

There was always a weakness.

His foundation was Su Yangs weakness.

Su Yangs foundation was insufficient, and he had few treasures in his hands, which became his breakthrough.

“l have to admit that you are very strong and very undefeatable. Unfortunately… If that’s the case, you’re destined to not be able to affect the battlefield.”

Mo Lou mercilessly killed Su Yang while attacking him verbally.

Su Yang was already trapped by him and could not avoid it. Death was only a matter of the next second.

As for using sword techniques to offset his attack…

At this moment, all of Su Yangs sword moves were absorbed by him with the gourd.

Su Yang lost his means of counterattack and his ability to escape. He could only wait for death on the spot.

“Is that so?”

Su Yangs expression was calm as he carefully observed everything that happened on the battlefield.

Under the perception of sword intent, his perception was at the peak of this realm.

[401-600] MY SWORD INTENT CAN BE INFINITELY IMPROVED Where stories live. Discover now