Chapter 447: Green Luck (2)

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Translator: Daoist6fubtiW

Activating spatial laws, he used spatial travel for a short distance, but he also directly avoided all sorts of attacks.

The moment he disappeared, an immortal snorted coldly. “Do you think you can control us just because you have space laws and can travel through space in a small area?”

“Truly naive, If spatial laws were so invincible, everyone would have gone to cultivate.”

“Everyone, use the laws to seal the space and stop him from moving. I want to see what other methods he has.”


The battle in the arena was ever-changing.

After seeing Su Yangs methods, the Immortal beings immediately counterattacked.

Just like what they said, spatial laws were not invincible, and one could not travel through space without restraint. As long as one interfered, the power of spatial laws would be limited.

Strands of law energy came out from the bodies of the 23 immortals, forming lines that covered the entire space. After filling it with law energy, the space became even more stable. If they wanted to forcefully break it, they had to break the prison formed by all the laws first.

In a one-on-one battle, Su Yang was indeed invincible. There would be no immortal of the same realm as him. He could even exchange two moves with an immortal at the mid-stage Great Dao Realm. However, when he encountered an enemy that was multiple times his own, he was still somewhat restrained.

Just like now, when she used spatial law again, she felt somewhat unable to move, as if she was stuck in a swamp.

In the face of this situation, Su Yang did not panic at all. Since he could not escape, he would kill!

Killing one was not a loss, killing two was a gain!

Su Yangs eyes flickered, and he quickly locked onto an early-stage Great Dao Realm immortal.

The moment he locked onto the target, Su Yang made a move and mobilized his nomological power to rush towards the other party.

What Su Yang used was the law of luck. The law of luck turned into a transparent wolf and rushed towards the other party, wanting to snatch the luck of this immortal.

Seeing that Su Yang was coming, they were on guard. In addition, they had the advantage in numbers, so they were not afraid of Su Yang at all.

Combining the power of many immortal life forms, it easily blocked Su Yangs attack.

All kinds of laws surged out and easily tore apart the transparent wolf that Su Yang had attacked.

Seeing this scene, Su Yang was also a little helpless.

In a one-on-one situation, his current strength was enough, but the problem was that others would not fight him one-on-one.

It was a group fight. It was a competition of who had more people and who was stronger. If he wanted to fight alone, Su Yang would have to find a lone immortal.

This was obviously not an easy thing to do. After all, Su Yang had been wandering around the one-eyed battlefield for at least two months, but he had not encountered any lone immortal.

In that case, he could only rely on sacrificing his life to snatch the luck from the other partys body…

Su Yangs eyes kept flashing, looking for a suitable target.

His target was naturally an immortal with a strong fate, that way his death would be the most beneficial.

Sweeping his gaze around, he immediately saw an immortal with a 9m green cloud of luck on its head.

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