Chapter 526: Origin World, Arrange

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Translator: Daoist6fubtiW

At their level of cultivation, they were already able to live and die with the universe. However, such an endless lifespan would also make people tired and cause some problems in their hearts, such as starting to think about the meaning of living.

Now that Su Yang had given them a new meaning to live and a new direction to move forward, they were like a group of drowning people who had grabbed onto the last straw of hope. This was also the direction that all of them were moving forward in.

A large number of star beasts and disciples of the Great Xia Immortal Sect began to enter the Origin World through the teleportation array that Su Yang had reserved. Then, they began their own exploration and advanced in various directions!

They strictly followed Su Yang’s orders. If they couldn’t beat him, they would remember it first and take a detour. If they could beat him, they would kill him on the spot and then continue to advance.

What they needed to do now was to explore the Origin World and create a map. They needed to know where the demon beasts were distributed and where the resources were distributed. They might not be able to defeat them now, but when they were strong enough, it would naturally be time for them to harvest!

Su Yang did not care about the situation of the disciples of the Great Xia Immortal Sect. Anyway, with Gu Xiu keeping an eye on him, he was very relieved.

Now, he planned to deal with the dark creatures in the other three directions first. This way, the entire trip to the Dark World would be complete. He was also very curious about the situation in the core of the other three directions. Would there be a whirlpool that led to the Origin World or to other worlds?

If it led to the Origin World, which direction did it lead to? If it was a different location, he could also send the disciples of the Great Xia Immortal Sect to continue exploring from these three directions. Different locations would definitely contain different resources.

It would be best if he didn’t repeat the same positions. He could advance in all four directions at the same time. After all, if he got stuck somewhere, there were still three other directions to continue advancing.

Su Yang brought some of his guesses to the swamp first.

He had sent his main body out, so he did not bother his clone. After all, his main body’s strength was enough to sweep away all the dark creatures in the Dark World. Since his main body was not in danger, it was not a big deal to move.

Su Yang carried his natal immortal sword and directly charged in. Any dark life form he encountered along the way could not withstand his sword. Whether it was powerful or a large group, they all died under Su Yang’s sword!

Su Yang was like a god of death, cutting a gap from the outside and then rushing straight in. All the dark life forms that blocked him died on the spot.

Not long after, with the death of a large number of dark lifeforms, the most powerful existence in the swamp appeared. It was a huge crocodile, and the nomological power contained in it was about 2,500 times that of the original. In that case, there was no suspense in the battle because Su Yang had just finished off a dark creature of this level.

Su Yang stepped on countless flying swords, and at the same time, countless flying swords formed behind him. He controlled these flying swords to the center of the swamp and came above the strongest swamp crocodile. He glanced at the swamp crocodile slightly and then countless sword qi smashed down!

In a breath’s time, this dark life form could not withstand Su Yang’s attack at all and died on the spot.

“The Dark Swamp is settled…”

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