Chapter 532: Giant Turtle Island Master's Addiction (2)

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Translator: Daoist6fubtiW

Now that he had decided to attack the ocean and the underwater world, the first thing he needed was enough information.

Exploring the underwater world was not difficult for them with their current cultivation. They just needed to be careful of the demon beasts in the ocean. After all, the demon beasts in the ocean were stronger than those on land at any time.

After giving the order, all Su Yang needed to do now was wait. After collecting resources and accumulating the golden will of all living beings during this period of time, his cultivation had now advanced by 2%.

However, he was still far from breaking through.

If he relied on his natural growth every day, he could obtain 300 billion golden living beings ‘will in a day. It would take ten days to increase it by one percent.

It would take 980 days to increase the remaining 98%.

This time was actually not long, but now Su Yang had the opportunity to shorten this time again by relying on the power of the Origin World.

The reason why he did not attack the other islands was to avoid some uncontrollable situations. Now that he had a new direction and he probably had the ability to carry it out, there was no problem at all. Attacking the seabed was his most important thing now.

Under Su Yangs arrangement, the disciples of the Great Xia Immortal Sect did not slack off. In less than half a day, they found a place at the bottom of the sea that was producing Origin Stones.

This kind of place was actually very easy to find. The reason was that this kind of place where Origin Stones were produced was a place where energy gathered. It would absorb the Origin Power of the entire Origin World to form Origin Stones.

This kind of energy gathering place would also attract a large number of demon beasts. These demon beasts would involuntarily gather together.

Therefore, if they wanted to find a place where the Origin Stone could be born, they only needed to check where a large number of demon beasts gathered. With this, the disciples of the Great Xia immortal sect could easily find the place where the Origin Stone could be born.

Su Yang temporarily named this place the Origin Stone Vein.

The Origin Stone Veins that was first discovered was a small-scale mine. It could produce about 1,000 Origin Stones every month, and the Fey beasts gathered were around the mid-stage Great Dao Realm.

To deal with a demon beast of this level, Su Yang did not need to make a move at all. He asked Ye Jiang to bring a team of Great Xia Immortal Sect disciples to occupy it.

Less than two hours later, Ye Jiang sent back a message that the attack had been completed.

At the same time, the sea demon beasts he killed also provided Su Yang with 100 billion golden will of all living beings. This also gave Su Yang another opportunity.

It was not too difficult to occupy the Origin Stone Vein in the ocean as long as one had enough strength. However, more importantly, one had to have the ability to guard the Origin Stone Vein in the ocean because the characteristics of the Origin Stone Vein would attract an endless stream of ocean demon beasts.

It was inevitable to send people to guard it, but now Su Yang had another idea, which was to send the disciples of the Great Xia Immortal Sect to clear the powerful demon beasts in the ocean. It had to be known that the crystals in the bodies of these demon beasts were also a kind of resource. Killing them all could also provide him with a large amount of golden will of all living beings.

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