Chapter 475: Late-Stage Great Dao, Killed with a snap of the finger! (2)

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Translator: Daoist6fubtiW

How could the immortals tolerate Su Yangs arrogant words?

What was the difference between this and riding on their necks to shit?

They had to scram just because he ordered them to?

What a joke!

“Heh… You sound like you’re saying this because I don’t know if you have the strength to be so arrogant.”

An immortal stepped out first, but he didn’t act.

Could it be that she was sizing up Su Yang carefully?

They still understood Su Yang. They also knew that Su Yang was just an avatar. It was useless for them to kill him.

What they really needed to understand was why Su Yang was so arrogant at this time?

Su Yang did not have the desire to explain to them. The more arrogant he was now, the better. He just wanted to anger these immortal beings and make them attack him. Or, he would attack them after they made a mistake. Then, everything would make sense.

Since he had made an agreement with Cloudless Night, he had to put on a show. Since the other party was unwilling to pay a huge price to deal with him, there was no need for him to rush up and send himself off.

Stepping on the other party’s line, not only would he not suffer huge losses, but he could also continue to obtain benefits. This was the best choice. “I’ll give you three breaths of time. If you don’t leave, you’ll be my enemy.”

“Heh… Arrogant! Then let me test your capabilities!”

The immortal that spoke first couldn’t hold it in anymore.

Even if Su Yangs strength was comparable, he had become much stronger two years ago. How strong could he be? Could he kill him, an existence at the late-stage Great Dao Realm?

That was too exaggerated.

He did not care about his own safety.

Now, all he could think of was to teach Su Yang a lesson and even destroy Su Yangs avatar!

The scene instantly turned into a battlefield. The two people’s exchange of blows instantly erupted with intense energy fluctuations.

The two sides fought back and forth in the instant of the battle, and there was no one-sided situation.

But even so, it still shocked many cultivators present.

One had to know that Su Yangs strength was only at the early-stage Great

Dao Realm two years ago. Even after two years, they could sense that Su Yangs strength had not crossed realms. In other words, he was still at the early-stage Great Dao Realm.

But what right did an early-stage Great Dao Realm cultivator have to fight a late- stage Great Dao Realm cultivator? Even an internal universe cultivator would not be able to do so, right?

Unless… This person’s internal universe had fused with many laws, and at the same time, he had comprehended a large number of law nodes.

Only by constantly increasing one’s strength in a realm and constantly compressing one’s own strength could one fight across realms.

After thinking of this possibility, they began to pay attention to Su Yang’s aura and sense the laws within.

The more he sensed them, the more he looked at Su Yang with pity.

Things were really as they had guessed…

Su Yang had fused a large number of laws in his internal universe.

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