Chapter 444: Upgrade!

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Translator: Daoist6fubtiW

“Do it. There’s no need to talk to the dead.”

One of the six middle-stage Great Dao Realm one-eyed immortals who surrounded Su Yang spoke.

“Yes, do it!”

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone attacked one after another.

These one-eyed immortals attacked differently from the cultivators.

They attacked through their one-eye.

Most of them looked like a laser, but the color was different.

They represented different laws and different powers.

Red flames, green poison…

Su Yang did not panic at all when he saw this.

He was prepared to die.

However, who would kill him?

He would definitely die at the hands of the immortal with the strongest luck.

That way, he would be able to maximize his gains.

Su Yang stared at the immortal with the strongest luck. Instead of retreating, he charged straight towards the attack of the immortal.

He did not defend.

This situation made the many immortals shocked.

What was Su Yang planning to do?

Realizing that he couldn’t escape, was he prepared to die?

This was their first conclusion.

However, this conclusion did not seem reliable no matter how one looked at it…

There must be something else going on, something they didn’t know about.

But what could it be?

The many one-eyed immortals frowned and pondered.

However, time did not allow them to think too much.

Su Yang took the initiative to receive their attacks. He could not change it even if he wanted to. He could only watch as the attacks landed on Su Yang.

When they saw Su Yangs body split into pieces, they all heaved a sigh of relief.

“Phew… Forget it. No matter what he did, since he’s already dead, all his plans will be in vain.”

“Not bad… Not good!”

Just as they heaved a sigh of relief, something unexpected happened.

A white wolf suddenly appeared where Su Yang died.

This fierce wolf was formed by the laws of providence and was filled with the power of plunder.

Some of the one-eyed men were very familiar with this feeling.

This was robbing them of their luck!

“Hurry up! Stop this Ferocious Fortune Wolf!”

A one-eyed man shouted and immediately attacked.

However, this wolf was faster than them.

Before they could make a move, they arrived in front of Su Yang at an extremely fast speed.

He bit down on the other party’s head.

Qing Liufengs expression darkened, and he quickly used the power of laws to block it.

As a middle-stage Great Dao Realm expert, his obstruction was effective.

However, a large piece of luck was still torn off from his head by the Ferocious Fortune Wolf.

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