Chapter 511: Special Dark Crystal, Army Formation!

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Translator: Daoist6fubtiW

However, it was limited by the land of law. At present, the land of law provided by Su Yang could only allow ten million star beasts and 100,000 disciples of the Great Xia immortal sect to cultivate.

No more.

However, as long as these two groups of subordinates grew up, they would be enough for Su Yang to command.

Right now, the third-tier Great Xia immortal sect disciples and star beasts were not strong enough. They had just broken through to the Great Dao Realm and could not suppress the early-stage Great Dao Realm node battlefield.

He still had to wait for a while.

Su Yang was not in a hurry, but he began to make arrangements.

Since he had decided to let his disciple expand his territory, he had to at least choose a target and pave the way.

When the disciples could come out and move, they could directly teleport over.

Every battlefield in the primordial chaos was far apart.

With his current strength, he could basically reach a node battlefield in a day.

The Chaos was simply too vast. Previously, he had needed two months to arrive at one place.

Now that his strength had increased, he would need a day.

However… When his strength increased a little more, it probably wouldn’t take so long.

Su Yangs’ main body was the one who set up the teleportation array.

His clone was still in the Dark World, preparing to kill everyone, while his main body took on this riskless task.

As the main body, it would definitely not take the risk.

After setting up the teleportation array, he would let his disciples attack it later. If anything happened, his main body would not appear.

He would let the disciples solve it. If they could not solve it, they would wait for a while and let the disciples’ strength increase a little more.

If he really needed to step in, he would let his clone temporarily leave the Dark World.

After all, the Dark World had become his private place.

Su Yang was taking action and making arrangements. The Dark World was his hunting ground, and Chaos was also his hunting ground.

Even… There was also the inner world!

It would also become his hunting ground!

It was only a matter of time…

Just wait. When he became stronger and was able to step into that starry sky, it would be time for him to lead the army in his body and kill his way there,

The war between the inner layer and Chaos had never stopped.

It was happening all the time.

It was just that at his current level, it was relatively rare and not as intense.

Starting from the Primal Chaos Realm was the most intense period.

Only when one reached the Primal Chaos Realm could one come into contact with the entrance that connected the two realms.

Su Yang moved unhurriedly, one step at a time. He patiently waited for himself to grow and grow to the right height before he moved on to the next step…


Dark World.

Su Yang controlled his avatar and began to harvest the fourth level of the underground world.

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