Chapter 484: The Opening of the Two Realm Secret Realm

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Translator: Daoist6fubtiW

After breaking through to the mid-stage Great Dao Realm, Su Yang immediately focused on alchemy.

Previously, due to his strength, he had lost the most important part of refining the white middle-grade medicinal pill.

[Laws that correspond to the quality of the pill]

Now that his strength had increased greatly, he had finally stepped into the mid-stage Great Dao Realm. At the same time, he could refine white mid-grade medicinal pills.

Although there was only a difference of one level between white low-grade and white mid-grade.

However, the difference between the two was extremely huge!

If he refined a white mid grade pill and sold it, he could get at least 30 white mid grade immortal crystals.

The cost was only a white mid-grade immortals crystal.

This was the value under normal circumstances.

But how could the Law Pill he refined be of normal value?

Under the Heavenly Treasure Holy Man’s manipulation, the value would definitely double. As for how much it could increase…That would depend on the Heavenly Treasure Holy Man’s abilities.

Su Yangs heart moved and he immediately contacted the Heavenly Treasure Holy Man.

A message was sent from his identity token and directly to the Heavenly Treasure Holy Man’s identity token.


The Heavenly Treasure Holy Man, who was cultivating in seclusion, looked at the time.


It wasn’t time to trade with Su Yang every 15 days.

What was going on?

The Heavenly Treasure Holy Man was puzzled. He looked at the identity token and it was indeed a message from Su Yang.

It seemed like there was something else.

The Heavenly Treasure Holy Man immediately thought of the key.

Opening the identity token, the information inside was just as he had guessed.

It was something else.

However… Why did it explode?

The Heavenly Treasure Holy Man’s pupils constricted. For a moment, he felt as if he had seen a ghost.

Su Yang, [Next, I’m going to refine a white mid-grade pill. Please prepare the pill formula and materials.]

This sentence was very short, but the shock it gave him was unprecedentedly great.

He also had some understanding of Su Yang.

The early-stage Great Dao Realm walked the path of cultivating the internal universe. He had fused a large number of laws in the internal universe…

Under such circumstances, the amount of cultivation resources required was extremely high.

Even if he had sufficient resources, it was not possible to increase his cultivation in a short period of time.

Even Su Yang had a title.

[The one who cut off the road ahead]

Just this title alone could roughly explain that Su Yangs situation was not good.

But… Now that Su Yang had sent a message, the meaning behind it was very obvious.

His realm had broken through!

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