Chapter 453: Brutal Cultivator!

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Translator: Daoist6fubtiW

An immortal crystal in his body was equivalent to dozens of them, and the stronger ones were equivalent to hundreds, but they could give him a large number of life planets.

It provided him with the golden will of all living beings that he needed.

However, he had to keep up with the collection of top-grade chaos spirit stones. If he had enough immortal crystals in the future, but his internal universe was not large enough, that would be awkward.

Su Yang teleported through space and disappeared from this area.

Qing Shi, who had been ordered to investigate the situation, didn’t know about this. He continued to explore the area where his clansmen had disappeared.

After two hours, he had already explored the area where his clansmen had disappeared. After finding no news, he could only helplessly report it.

However, as he reported it, Qing Xuan told him an explosive piece of news.

In another area, another eight clansmen had fallen.

He had asked them to be more careful this time. Something unexpected must have happened.

At the same time, the Qing Xuan elder had already instructed all the clansmen in the One-eyed Battlefield to be careful.


In a forest.

Su Yang was in a very good mood.

As expected, he still had to kill these immortals to obtain a huge harvest.

Immortals themselves were a type of resource, plus they knew how to collect resources, they were basically a moving treasure trove.

Every time he killed an immortal, Su Yangs harvest was more than what he had painstakingly searched for.

It had already been two hours since he left the previous location, and in the entire process, he had killed another 10 one-eyed immortal.

The harvest was bountiful.

The life planet was 16 light years long, so he could obtain 16 points of golden will of all living beings every day.

His internal universe had reached 280 light years.

He had mastered 480 types of laws.

His green Fate had also reached eight meters.

After tasting the sweetness, Su Yang was also a little addicted to hunting.

Even if there were resources appearing within his perception range, he wasn’t too interested. Instead, he kept moving forward, searching for the location of the one-eyed immortal.

Unfortunately, his current strength was not enough to kill a middle-stage Great Dao Realm immortal. Otherwise, the immortal gathered in the central area would be his target.

For now, he could only let them go.

“Why are these guys moving together?”

In the Skynet’s perception, he once again sensed the traces of the immortal.

However, this time he found three immortal walking together.

“Looks like my hunt has made them wary. However, this is useless. Even if the three of you walk together, you will still die…”

Su Yangs strength was enough to crush them, even when facing three early-stape Great Dao Realm immortals.

The slow law, gravity law, and space law restrictions made it difficult for them to move.

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