Chapter 460: One Year

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Translator: Daoist6fubtiW

Only fifteen minutes had passed since Su Yang uploaded the Fire Law Pill to the auction house.

This situation made Su Yang a little stunned.

He had not expected such a scene.

Was the sales of the Law Pill that hot?

Su Yang carefully studied the market again.

Soon, he discovered the problem.

Not only the Law Pill, any medicinal pill that could rapidly increase one’s strength was in short supply in the market.

Even… In the Chaotic Court’s resource exchange list, he could not even exchange for contribution points.

It wasn’t that the Chaotic Court didn’t have it.

If he wanted to, he could only exchange it with higher-level battle credits.

Battle merits. One had to participate in the battle of the primal chaos level node battlefield, gain an advantage, or make contributions in order to obtain battle merits.

It was even more difficult to obtain battle credits than contribution points.

However, the resources that could be exchanged for battle merits were also of a higher level.

For example, pills to increase one’s strength were priceless in the contribution points market…

The members of the Chaotic Court had existed for tens of thousands of years and had accumulated a lot of contribution points.

As long as Su Yang dared to sell the Law Pills, he would be cleared out immediately.

He could even raise the price.

He did not intend to do so. After all, the Chaotic Court was his own faction, and its members were his own people.

There was no need to kill his own people.

For other cultivators, Law Pills that could be absorbed quickly were the best choice for them to cultivate and increase their strength.

Law Crystals and Immortal Crystals were basic cultivation resources. Refining them took a lot of time.

A white low-grade nomological crystal required a cultivator at the early-stage Great Dao Realm to refine for a thousand years.

In these 1,000 years, he did not know how many resources he could collect.

Refining a Law Pill of the same quality, it would take about a year to fully absorb the medicinal effects.

However, it was still a thousand times faster than refining the nomological crystal.

Saving a thousand times the time and paying five times the price. The benefits outweighed the costs. It was completely worth it.

This was a normal cultivator, but Su Yang did not have to consider this.

With the interface, he could directly absorb the resources in his hands.

Refining it into pills was a waste of resources.

Pills that were extremely precious to other cultivators were completely useless to him.

After a deeper understanding, Su Yang’s doubts were immediately resolved.

However… His sale of the 100 sets of Law Pills caused a commotion in the Chaotic Court.

This was especially true for cultivators at the early-stage Great Dao Realm. They were even more concerned about this.

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