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Her gaze swept over mirror which was reflecting her frame. Her lips pressed hard and mind engulf blankness

Her eyes could not decide whether they should adore her bridal attire or get moist by pondered over on forthcoming session of in laws

Her hand didn't know that they would only embrace activities of household or would ever get in touch of ink for seeking information.

Her footsteps was unaware that ever they would approached towards waves of self-reliant or would cuffed in chain of conservative schedule

Her mouth was in doubt that ever they would chant language of liberation or only would parted for mindless agreement with a man who even don't what is her agenda

And again her eyes twinkled with a tear under starry night.

This moment seems to offer her no serious choice as if she has to shivered under moonlight or baked under sunlight. And at this phase She doesn't wish for anything. She only wish to get lost in her father embrace like the moon does in the clouds.

She somehow managed to moved herself and shifted on bed While adjusting her red translucent veil that did't allow her eye to hold crystal view of room.

Unconsciously her eyes paid attention to the dark shade her mehendi and a pearl appeared in her palm which reflect
suffering of her heart.

The moon hung low in the sky. It was in its full phase and appeared like a giant spotlight in the sky. A rope of silver rays gravitated towards on  landscape, granting such breathtakingly sight which no one could say no at heart to have glimpse.

It was illuminating art of nature and casting long shadow on landscape
Icy breeze rolled inside and a shiver traveled down on her spine as it was
shivery twilight of March.

The trees were dancing in the icy wind
Swaying back and forth as if they were putting on a show just for her however she didn't seem to accept invitation of nature at this time.

Blanket of silence again fell over but did't stay for considerable  time as door cracked open allowing dim light stepped inside although it got hidden by someone figure.

Even darkness couldn't swallowed his entire frame and He crossed the room in only few strides. He did't subtracted complete distance between them as He did't feel the desire to throw her in windstorm of panic.

Her breath got caught in her throat and immediately she felt nervy waves flooding in her veins as the flames of his body was over-bearing for her heart and mind as well as compelling them to be frozen. She mustered up bravery by chanting "I can handle it" in her mind

she pushed her head upward and when she glanced at him, She noticed the movement of his action and instantly
she captured her inner cheek in her teeth as He was watching her under his gaze almost in inexpressive manner while heat rushed and escalated on her face.

She almost felt to breath in relief when his face expression refused to reflect any ounce of creepiness and stayed unemotional yet unreadable.

He was about to mentioned her name while diving in first ever conversation
But almost cursed himself for not even being introduced by her name and now he would called himself brainless if he put this question first.

Someone's wailed boomed outside and Shubhankar's eyebrow knitted slightly on the unwelcome voice.

He moistened his lips while being calm head because He was experienced that how circumstances seems to be rolled away if someone is being cool head rather than losing your temper.

"Samadhan pe dhyan do samasya pe nhi"
( focus on solution not on problem)

He strolled ahead, grabbed his shawl
and walked outside leaving her dumbfounded. She heaved a sigh which did't came out as tense free

Shubhankar along with few people which we called family made their presence outside and Manorama lips thinned in grimace and she let out a question to compressed her wrath.
She did't appreciate when someone barged in haveli at midnight especially creating nonsense issue.

"What's wrong with you lady" she enquired to only get a scowl in response
Manorama balled her fist in outrage and had the urge to dragged her outside as she didn't oftentimes get inappropriate expression in response.

Sensing heavy atmosphere shubhankar
asked in gentle tone "Care to elaborate why are you here"

Lady raised her single eyebrow in mocking way and retorted "why should I not be here"

To which Shubhanker did't comment anything and keep staring at her
She huffed in anger and reasoned "why did you stand with Nirmala"

He swiftly moved his tongue around his cheek and now understand the reason behind her action and simply uttered "Because I'm criminal lawyer"

Rekha shook her head in disbelief and muttered "irony of this man" and later included "even when I begged you to released my husband but still you choose to splashed dirt on his character"

Shubhankar dipped his head just few inches and stated in firm tone "To began with I would prefer to clarify you that I won't released your husband untill every nerve of that man get bathed in poison and primarily I did't splashed dirt on his filthy character. His sinful deeds are what which define his character"

Rekha greeted her teeth in rage and defy
"just because he bedded another woman"

He coldy spoke "Sexual assault" to which she foolishly twisted his words and said
"He did't murdered her"

Shubhankar was so exhausted to even explain her like a teacher so he stated the truth "He was the reason of her death"

She squeezed out a exasperated sigh and again wrapped in protest "I appreciate that how well you are being feminist but you can not pretend to be like that always . You are taking her side and even let her overcome on this case as if you are too pure to even touched any lady
whether it is my husband or someone
You all man just toy your ladies like doll and will cherish her if only she make you content at bed and suppose if she failed to provide you that then you men throw her like broken glass which later can not be mend"

Somewhere he was aware about the truth which was reflecting in her words as half of population of men are included in her words however  he will never ever make himself count in that category.

His next words stunned everyone and their jaw dropped and eyes widened
"I won't consummate our marriage until I catch dust of sensualism in her eyes"

Shubhanker politely asked her to take a leave without creating commotion.

She did't desire to pause their debate as she didn't want to watch her husband rot in cell. She passed him challenging node and bid Namaste

Shubhankar assumed that now he could untangled new matters with his wife  but  a flying question soon greeted him
"What's the matter Shubhankar"

In exasperation Shubhankar raised his hand to his nose and slightly pinched the bridge impatiently trying to rid the headache that bloomed between his eyes

"Nirmala was used to be a bright student in  primary school however Pratap, husband of Rekha had been teaching there since last 10 years and Bastard
forced little girl to have intercourse with him which she rejected and then he sexually abused her once. she didn't  have strength to tolerate all this bullshit and even tried to discuss it to her mother but her mother shut her mouth with her disgusting yet filthy words which caused her to bathed in agony as well as in mortification and she couldn't help but died while piercing herself. Her elder sister did't want to be in guilt for not revealing this piece of news and then asked me to handle her sister case"

He moved away without listening anyone words on this heart shattering matter and walked in his room which was not his sole right from now.

She was already dozed off which made him shook his head and then he grabbed a cushion  and made a beeline towards wooden sofa while dropping his shawl and gradually drifted off.

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