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Swiftly, Harry took a turn to the right, getting as far away from the Knocturn Alley entrance as possible. He glanced over his shoulder.

 Two red-heads, a blond, a black-haired man, and a bald one. 

Benjamin Weasley, Charles Weasley, Frank Longbottom, Kingsley Shacklebolt and----

Is that Remus Lupin?

The heck? Harry knows that Mooney is better than that. He wouldn't have normally been caught. Oh. Oh. It was the full moon yesterday.

Wait, a fuckin' second. Why the heck is he out on missions for the order when it was the fuckin' full moon yesterday.

Damn the Old Goat.

Harry shook is head. Now was not the time to think about most-likely-mentally-impaired old men.

He took out a walkie-talkie from the inner pocket of his jacket. 

"Remember the plan? Nev? Luna? Mia?" He whisper-asked into the walkie-talkie.

"We're all here. . .Don't worry. We all remember. It's not like Mia made us recite the plan at least a million times." Neville assured him.

"Hey!" Hermione protested.

"Not the time to squabble," Luna said, "Harry, I can see your pursuers. Kingsley, I think." 

"Yeah," Harry replied, glancing back again.

"Okay, they're catching up," Hermione warned.

"Time for Part 1 of Plan Idiotic," Neville said.

"Hey! The name's Operation Delta Strike," Hermione growled.

"Too cliche," Harry, Luna and Neville said at the same time.

Harry laughed, quietly. Then glanced back again. "Okay. . . . .now,"

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