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Harry, Neville, Luna and Hermione were guided, and slightly manhandled- through the halls of Kaden Manor. There was an awkward silence until:

"Name's Sirius. You all are being arrested for attacking wizards and witches, running an international smuggling operation, blah, blah, blah," Sirius said. 

Harry observed that he mostly looked the same. His hair was slightly shorter, there were a few more grey hairs and three scars were running across the vertical length of his face just left of his left eye, but other than that he looked relatively the same. 

Though, he seemed. . . . .sadder? Don't know. Harry never thought he would ever use sad to describe Sirius. The man was the living, breathing embodiment of fun and living your life to the fullest.

Harry, internally, shook his head.

"Should you be telling 'criminals', your name?" Hermione asked.

"Not really," Sirius said, "but whatever. Not like you haven't heard do us.  Well, maybe not these two," he pointed to the Weasleys, "We're pretty famous."

"Understatement of the Millennium," Neville snorted.

"I didn't know that the 'Light'" Harry did air quotations, "accepted Wolves. Wasn't it only yesterday that 'wolves should no longer be allowed to be near children? Now the Boy-Who-Lives shall have no godfather. So, so, sad."

Sirius and James growled. The two Weasleys scooted away from Remus and you could tell that Longbottom and Shacklebolt didn't know how to feel about that. Remus flinched, and Harry felt a little bad.

"Shut up, will ya, ya bastard?" James growled. Nice new first impression, Dad, Harry thought.

"Sur we will," Luna piped up, "but tell us, is Ryan Potter-Evans despaired to lose his godfather? After the law stated that the godparent-godchild-ship between him and Lupin could not be kept? Oh, please do tell. Can I get an interview? I run a paper company. It is called," Luna took a dramatic pause, "The Creature Times."

"Ya, in Knocturn Alley, it's a big hit." Neville supplied, "Downright famous. Everyone reads it, even the Creatures. Werewolves, Veelas, Vampires and the like.

"My son," James Potter growled, "will not give an interview to a sloppy newspaper,"

"He gave interviews to the Daily fuckin' Prophet," Harry snapped back, "Isn't that a shit-load of a space-waster?"

"Ryan's given, what? Ten interviews in his entire life." Sirius came to the rescue.

"Why are you defending him? Aren't you meant to be bitter and stuff about not being the godfather of precious Ryan Potter-Evans," Harry asked, mockingly, "Your best friend clearly didn't think you could take care of a child," 

"I was the godfather to Harr-" He cut himself off.

And it hurt. Harry and Sirius had the godparent-godchild bond. Sirius not even being able to say his name? It HURT. Yes, he had been winding the man up. Yes, he wanted the man to get irritated. Because he missed them. He missed his dad, he missed Sirius and he missed Remus. And, now, when they were so, so near? He wanted to hug them. So, he tried to rile them up. So that they would yell at him. Hate him. Or something. 

"Can't even say his name? Pathetic." Harry said, at last.


Uh, hi!

So, the fourth chapter. Voila. 

I think it's my longest chapter till now.

BTW, you can give me constructive criticism. As, I already said English is not my first language, so, it may help make the story better.


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