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Harry watched closely, as Dumbledore cast Black Magic on him, Neville, Luna and Hermione.

" Aren't you 'Light' folk against Black Magic?" Harry blurted out.

The Order Members gasped. They couldn't believe that Dumbledore- their leader- was using dark spells. Thought, the smarter ones tried to understand why Harry had said Black magic, instead of Dark Magic/Spells.

"It's all for the Greater Good," Dumbledore replied, his tone clipped.

"Y'know, a rather lovely man- barely younger than you-"Harry continued in a theatrical whisper, "told me that 'The Greater Good' was Grindelwald's catchphrase. And that you two used to be buddy-buddy with each other,"

More gasps.

"And who. . .may this lovely man be?" Madame Rosa butted in.

"He too old and gay," Luna quipped.

"Ewww, Eris, that's disgusting," Hermione gagged. 

"Yup, disgusting," Nev repeated.

If Harry looked close enough, he could see that Sirius, James, Lily, Remus and a few other were biting their lips to stop them from laughing. 

"His name is Harvard," Nev answered at last. "Or at least that's what he told us.

Harry was only half-listening to the conversation. Most of his attention was on his family. Lily looked more or less the same, with a new grey hair or two and maybe a wrinkle but she looked as beautiful as the last day i had seen her; James looked more serious and had a lot more gray hairs but he still looked handsome; Sirius he had looked at very intently already; Ryan wasn't here; And Remus, well, he had too many gray hairs and he looked much too tired. But that may be because it was the full moon yesterday.

He really needs to see Fenrir, Harry mused.

"They doesn't have the Dark Mark," Dumbledore announced.

"Break the enchantment on their hood," Bill Weasley urged.

"Of course, my boy," 

Bill made a weird face towards Charlie when Dumbledore turned his back




"The enchantments are gone," Dumbledore announced, before flicking his wand and all their hoods fell off

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