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Harry had been doing a wonderful job of avoiding Blaise, but, as always, Fates was an annoying bitch, and there was no way for Harry to get out of the encounter. Like, at all. Harry had his back to the door, on the other side of the room—no way of escaping.


A part of Harry (the wild part, the Creature) preened at the idea of him spending time with Blaise. But, the other part (the logical one) needed escape. 

Blaise's scent - caramel apples and mint, oh so sweet and oh so divine - left his mind in a jumble. In a jumble, where, he couldn't tell the difference between a Chinese Fireball and a Norwegian Ridgeback, even though, normally, he could tell the difference in his sleep.


The divine scent swarmed him again, and Blaise entered the room. 

Blaise looked nice. In a tight-fitting t-shirt, jeans that hugged at all the right places, and a green cloak, he looked so very handsome. So very-

Shut up, Me. Stop thirsting over Blaise.

Harry fought the urge to pull Blaise to his chest, or, even worse, kiss him.


"Lokes? C'mon, why weren't you answering?" Blaise asked, frowning.

(At once, the Creature side of Harry more-or-less scolded Harry for upsetting Blaise.)

"Uh, didn't hear you," Harry replied. 

" Right," Blaise said, dragging it out slightly. "You're avoiding me. Why are you avoiding me?"

"I'm not avoiding you," Harry denied immediately.

"Really? Because I haven't seen you the whole month you've stayed at the manor. All the others have. Hell, Pansy has seen you, but I haven't." 


"I haven't been avoiding you, Zabini," Harry said. Liar.

"Goddamit, I know you're avoiding me, Loki. I'm asking why." Blaise snarled.

(The Creature whined inwardly at Blaise sounding so negative towards Harry. )

Blaise bit his lip, "Did I do something wrong? I don't remember doing anything wrong."

Now, Harry felt guilty. He hadn't meant to upset Blaise.  

(Though Harry found Blaise adorable, right about now. He looked soooo cute, biting his lips like that. Shut up, Harry, he thought.)

"You didn't do anything wrong, Blaise." Harry blinked slightly. He never used the D.E. kids' first names. Ever.

"Then why are you avoiding me?" 

"I'm not avoiding you."

"You are!"

"I. Am. Not. Avoiding. You." Harry ground out, turning around to face the bookshelf, leaning his right hand against the wood, so Blaise didn't see his eyes flashing. 

(And also so that he couldn't see Blaise's expression.)

"Oh, c'mon!" Blaise said throwing his hand in the air. Blaise wasn't the type to use hand gestures, so Harry guessed that Blaise was getting frustrated.

 "Loki. Please. Just tell me why you're avoiding me and I'll leave you alone." there was a slight growl to his voice and Harry bit his lip. Not that Blaise could see that, seeing as Harry was not facing him. 


"Blaise?" The Black Widow AKA Marcela Zabini AKA Blaise's mother, called out.

Blaise leaned forward, until his lips were to Harry's ear, and whispered, "We're not done yet, Loki. We have a lot more to talk about,"


So, a Blaise and Harry scene. 

Not my best, could've been better. 

Do I regret it? 

Yes, I very much regret trying to write a side-plot of romance containing 16-year-olds. 

Would I do it again? Most likely.

I very much regret my lack of vocabulary when it comes down to saying things like handsome or beautiful. 

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