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Sirius hated the kid, Loki, as he is called by all who associated with him.

Talking about his godson like he knew him. Oh, how Sirius missed his godson.

He would be 15 in a few days if he was alive. . . . .

Forget it, Sirius scolded himself

And then Loki went and called out Remus for his. . .furry, little problem. And dam Kingsley, Frank and the two Weasleys making it look like Mooney was fuckin' monster. Mooney is not a monster. Not that the Ministry knew that. 

The Boy-Who-Lived cannot have a werewolf as a godfather. It will give the wrong impression to the public that you are supporting werewolves.  

Those were the exact words in the letter that was sent to James. 

(Sirius still didn't know how Lily had been able to restrain both him and James at the same time without magic.)

Of course, they fuckin' supported werewolves. Remus was their best friend. And Lily was most likely part werewolf, anyway, even if it was closely kept secret. So, Ryan was part wolf, too.

AND Mooney would NEVER hurt Ryan. He thought of Ryan as a part of his pack.


Back on track, sorry-  Mooney thinks I have ADHD and that means- Oh Lord, I need better concentration, Sirius grumbled inaudibly. 




The first person to see their arrival was. . . .Everyone.

They may have made an unnecessarily dramatic entrance. May have.  

"Ah," Madame Rosa spoke up. "The illusive Black Phoenix. Not so illusive now, are you?"  

Madame Rosa was the rudest person he knew, well, other than, Snape, Umbitch and most of the ministry. But she was somewhere in the Top 5.

And she wasn't really, er, pleasant to look at. She had fair skin and hair and a tall, thin frame, but she put on excessive makeup (The blush was horrendous) and long, fake eyelashes which looked so, so wrong with her blond hair. (So, like most of the 'popular girls' at my school.)

She wore all pink, and had long, hot pink gloves going above his elbow, and her straight hair was cropped just above her ass.

(Okay, so I was trying not to make a Umbitch replica, like I did last time, and actually give her some features.)

"Are we? Or are we some petty illusion?" The Yellow-Tie-Dye-Hoodie asked, mockingly. She had a dreamy voice. Like Emmeline Lovegood when she was irritated, Sirius decided.

"Of course you are," Madame Rosa said, her expression becoming ugly.

"Are you sure?" Black-Hoodie asked.

"Yes," Madame Rosa almost shouted, pointing at them for good measure. "You are right in front of me,"

Did she know how big of a fool she was making herself look like? Sirius was sn't sure.

Did she know all the other Order members were lauhing behind her back? Sirius wasn't sure.

Lord give me power. . . .to stop myself from laughing myself silly, Sirius thought.

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