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James followed the wizard.

And if he was being honest, six pretty-powerful wizards to take out four kids? Overkill.

He glanced around.

Weasley boys. Check.

Kingsley. Check.

Frank. Check.

Sirius. Check.

Remus. Check.

Okay, so everyone's here.

James was about to make a joke about how the two Weasley boys seemed to be shivering when he caught some movement from the corner of his eyes. Smoke bombs.

One smoke bomb fell three meters away from Frank, and Frank started coughing from the green smoke emitted. Another one fell two inches away from Bill, he started coughing too.

Quickly, before any more bombs fell, James cast a protego (Shield charm)

A bomb bumped off the shield. 

"Now what?" James asked.

"Wait for the bombs to stop," Frank rasped out.

"No," Kingsley said, firmly, "We need to fire now. The Black Phoenix may get away,"

James sighed. Dumbledore should've sent just Sirius, Remus and him. There were two many people and all those people had opinions.

"You know what," Remus interrupted, when he sensed an argument coming, "Lets go forward with the shield,"

(James can always count on Remus to be logical.)

And they did just that.

Then, suddenly, the bombing stopped. 

And instead of one person, James saw four.

The one to the right wore a gray hoodie, the one next to them wore a muted yellow tie-dye hoodie, The one next to them wore a green hoodie and the one on the left wore a muted black hoodie. Every single one of them, had a white owl on them. And the worst part all of their hoods were up, covering their face.

"We surrender," The grey hoodie spoke. Female, James decided after a second.

"Oh," Charlie said, and James could understand why. Everyone had thought that there would be an epic showdown, where the order would emerge victorious.

But quickly shaking out of their shock, they started handcuffing the group. Kingsley tried to pull off their hood, but it looked like it had a sticking charm on them.

"Dumbledore can do that," Charlie said.

Their was a chorus of yeahs.

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