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It had been so quick. 

One second Harry, Neville, Hermione and Luna were showing the others around Chimera Alley, the others marvelling at its beauty, and the next, there was screaming.

There was a fight.

And then- and then Harry's parents were captured (because was being stupid, leaving them alone. They were new here and didn't know the place well enough. If they needed to run, they would be at a disadvantage).

Harry had been busy evacuating the children to fight the Order Members who had somehow entered Chimera Alley.

(Traitor. We have a traitor, the Creature in him had howled. Harry's vision had clouded in anger, and it had taken a couple of minutes to uncloud completely. The Creature screamed for blood.)

One moment James and Lily were duelling Alice and Frank Longbottom, and the next they had disappeared.

After that, the fight ended quickly.




"Let me go," Harry gritted his teeth. Sirius had a strong grip, Harry would give him that.

The D.E., Voldemort, Harry and his friends, Draco, and Pansy had returned to the base to learn Order Members had attacked there as well.

And taken his brother.

"Look, kid," Sirius said, "I get it. I really do. James and Lily are like my siblings and Ryan is like a nephew. But leave this to the adults. It's for your own good. Your hurt. It could get worse if you go on the rescue mission."

"It's not just about that," Harry lied. It was very much about that, there was just more to it.

"Then what is it about?" Sirius asked.

"17 kids died. All of them under 15," Harry said, slightly hysterically. "23 adults are dead. Do you have any idea how bad that is? Entire families were wiped out."

"It's okay, it's okay," Sirius murmured soothingly, pulling Harry into a hug.

Harry struggled to get out of his grip. Now wasn't the time for hugs

(The Creature was lusting for blood, and Harry wasn't gonna suppress it this time.)

"Harry, calm down. Please." Remus said, running a hand through his hair from behind. It was soothing, however much Harry hated to admit it.

"Fuck off," Harry grunted, trying to push away from both of them.

"Language," Remus snapped back, slapping the back of his head, lightly. 

Harry stopped struggling. He had the beginnings of a plan. A plan-ling.

"How do I know that it wasn't one of you that gave the Order Members the location of Chimera Alley?" The hand in Harry's hair had left and Harry was both happy and sad about it.

Sirius' gripped tightened warningly.

Harry risked a glance back. Remus' eyes had narrowed, and had turned a golden-amber in color.

Good. He went on.

"Why aren't you trying to help them? They're your pack, aren't they?" Harry said, then blinked, because he hadn't been thinking the word 'pack', it had just come out. Harry stored it away to mull over later.

Sirius's grip slackened, slightly. It was just enough for Harry to twist out of the hug, and get away.

"I'm going to get them," Harry called over his shoulder, "You can either help me, or get the hell out of my way."

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