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^^^^That's the Nature elf tattoo that Hadrian got.^^^^^^^



Harry didn't know how to feel. Should he feel anger? Satisfaction? Happiness? Hate? Whatever-other-emotion-there-is ?


He had hoped against hope that they wouldn't hate him. And they didn't - yet. Once they knew he drabbled in Blood Magic, he didn't know. Why had he hoped that they wouldn't hate him? In their eyes, using Lady Hecate's gift was illegal.  


He had both the Potter and  Black blood running through his veins. A fuckin' grey and a fuckin' dark family. 

The Potters were known for their exceptional Blood Magic all over the bloody fuckin' world, and here, in Magical fuckin' Britain, it was outlawed. Did they even know how fuckin' great Blood Magic was? The best healing spells were done with Blood Magic. Idiots, the lot of them.


Harry sighed. No use thinking of all the problems with Magical Britain. He could fill a million pages in a human-sized book with only the prominent ones. 


He glanced at the clock to double-check. He quickly made sure that he had cast the Sound-Muting Wards properly. His inheritance should start anytime, now.....


It hit him so suddenly, that he didn't even have the time to gasp before he screamed. 

It felt like his bones were snapping, and then re-arranging themselves, which the most likely were. Oh, gods, it was so, so bad.

And then, just as suddenly the pain had appeared, it vanished. 

Harry was a little sore, but it wasn't the worst aftermath that had happened to him. 

He stretched, curling his toes slightly in the process. He slowly stood up, not sure whether or not he would be able to stand. 

Harry was slightly leaning against the wall but that didn't matter. 

He slowly made his way to the other room, which the girls were given, where they and Neville, were. 




"You look hot," was the first thing that broke the silence. It was Neville. Of course, it was Neville.

"Huh?" Harry said. He had a headache.

Luna didn't say anything, instead, she conjured up a body-sized mirror. 

Harry blinked. Different eyes stared back at him. 

His eyes were now a forest green color, his skin was slightly more tanned and his hair was somewhat longer than he would have preferred. 

"Pull your right sleeve up," Hermione told him.

"Why? I already know which creature blood I have: Nature elf." Harry stared at her, everything was feeling fuzzy, for some reason. 

Luna seemed to notice, as she gestured for him to sit down. After taking a few seconds to process what she meant, Harry sat down.

"Harry, I dunno how to say this, mate, but you have fangs. Nature Elves don't have fangs." Neville said, trying to sound soothing. 

Without thinking, Harry's tongue swept across where his canines should be, and...it cut him. Well, his teeth are sharp.

"Ow," he muttered.

Hermione, this time without asking, pulled up his sweatshirt sleeve. She gasped.

"Harry," She murmured, sounding shocked, before she let go of his arm, and moved her hand to look at it. 

And when Harry did, he blinked. Once. Twice. And thrice.

"W-why is their a werewolf mar mark on me?" Harry asked, looking at the tattoos that were now on his arm.

"Well, not just a werewolf mark," Luna corrected, softly. And she was right. Above the werewolf mark (which was a black wolf howling) was the Nature elf mark (a whole load of leaves in a diamond).

He was part Wolf and part Elf.


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