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"Gringotts has summoned you," Harry declared, walking into the lounge where Sirius, Remus, Lily and James were talking.

"Harry-" Lily started.

"Gringotts has summoned you," Harry said, this time more firmly. He did his best to keep the uncertainty out of his voice. He should have gotten Hermione to break the news. He shouldn't feel so nervous. 

"They would've owled us," Sirius told him logically. Harry had never thought that he would ever say 'Sirius' and 'logically' in the same sentence without a 'not' before. Well, there are first times for everything.

"You have a mail ward around your house," Harry told James and Lily, "unless you have forgotten,"

"Only from fan-mail from creeps," James replied.

"Nah," Harry said.

"What do you mean by 'nah', Harry?" Remus asked.

"'Nah' means it blocks out all kinds of mail," Harry replied.

"The wards don't work like that," James said, knowing the most about the house.

"Then I dunno. All I know is that you summoned to Gringotts."

"Alright," Lily sighed.

"And bring the BWL," Harry called back, as he left.




"Hello again, Mr. Evans," Ironwood said, and Harry got some confused looks. "Lord Potter, Lady Potter, Heir Potter," He nodded to each of them in turn.

"Harry told us we were summoned?" Lily asked, respectfully, but still inquiringly.

"Your son asked for Lady Potter's Blood Test done," Ironwood replied.

"Why would mum g-" Ryan started.

"Got a blood test done. It was messed up. Too messed up." Harry almost pleaded.

Lily, not liking how desperate her son sounded, nodded. If there was one thing she could tell about Harry it was that he was not the pleading-type.

Ironwood explained what she had to do, and Lily followed his instructions.

Name : Lily Potter-Evans (GREYBACK)

Mother: Alyia Evans

Father: Fenrir  Greyback

Siblings: Tom Marvolo Riddle

Other (Alive) Blood Relatives: None.


Hadrian James Zach Sirius Potter-Evans

Ryan James Ellen Remus Potter-Evans 

Creature: Werewolf

Mate: James Charles Potter

Heiress to: 


Lady to:


"What the heck?" James was the first to speak.

"Fan-fucking-tastic." Harry groaned. What on Earth did he do in his last life to have the gods hate him so much? Horcruxes. He must have somehow made horcruxes and now the Gods of Old are after him.

"You knew?!?" Ryan shreiked.

"Wasn't exactly expecting to be 50 percent Wolf. Got a test done in the morning," Harry said, cursing his last life's self for making horcruxes. What he he been thinking?

Ryan glared at him. Couldn't he had told them?

"Ironwood," Harry said slowly, "does this mean I don't have a right to Evans?"

"You do," Ironwood assured. "Lady Potter's mother's names was still Evans.

"Whew," Harry muttered.

"Now for the BAST," The Goblin clapped his hand.

"The what?"

"Block And Spell Test," 

"Can I talk to Lily first?" James asked. 

Ironwood nodded, and waved his hand as if to say: go ahead.

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