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Harry watched the people around him.

Once again in human form, Voldemort stood behind him, tapping his foot and humming some song.

Luna, Hermione, Lily and Remus were talking about....the pros and cons of having divination as a subject that just about anyone can choose. How did they even end up on that topic? 

Nev was also there, talking to James and Sirius, with a mischievous glint in his eyes. 

So were Draco and his parents, Severus Snape, Fenrir Greyback and Pansy Parkinson.

So, they were going to see Chimera Alley. No biggie.

"I should warn you if any of you make a fool of yourselves and get kicked out, then it's bye-bye Chimera Alley for you," Harry warned. 

"I'm going ahead to open the entrance," Luna said, excusing herself from the debate.

"Why can't we see the entrance?" Pansy asked.

"'Cause you're firmly dark," Neville replied, before narrowing his eyes and turning around to face all of them. "You better not try and recruit any of them unless they come to you."

"We won't—promise," Fenrir assured. Harry was sure all the official death eater and Voldemort were crossing their fingers for that.

Harry tilted his head to the side, casting a tempus, before clapping his hand. "Enough dilly-dallying. C'mon, people."




"So, this is the entrance to Chimera Alley?" Lucius Malfoy asked, entirely unimpressed.

Harry couldn't blame him. It was a small, barely noticeable flower shop, with falling-off roof tiles and chipping paint.

"Yes," Hermione answered instead. 

Harry ignored all the whispers from the group instead entering the flower shop.

"Good morning, Lisa," Harry greeted the middle-aged shop-keeper, "Do you have my order of Moonlaces?"

That was code for: "Is it safe to enter the Alley?"

"Yes, Harry dear," Lisa replied, "It's in the back,"

That was code for: "the entrance to the Alley is in the back, today."

The entrance had a funny sense of humor, that led to it moving every night, when no one was looking and one of Lisa's job as gatekeeper was to find the entrance every morning.

"Are Chaos and Mayhem around?"

That caught everyone's attention. Chaos and Mayhem were genius inventors that could make just about anything. They had become very popular in the dark side, as they rarely turned down offers.

"Yes. Came in an hour ago."


"Thanks. Bye, Lisa," Neville called, motioning for the others to follow him.

Luna was waiting by the quite ordinary-looking blue door. She had already cracked the password, and had put a illusion spell on that made it look like the door hadn't moved in forever, like normal doors.

Luna turned the gold coloured doorknob, and opened the door.

"TA-DA!" Nev shouted. "Welcome to Chimera Alley!"

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