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^^^^The were-wolf tattoo that Harry got.^^^^^^


Harry hadn't noticed it before but all his senses were enhanced.

He regretted not bringing headphones to Gringotts. 

He did not want to hear the details of a pregnancy. He did not want to listen to a foolish witch who had thought that growing fungus on her big toe was OK.

And most of all, he did not want to hear a man talking dirty with his boyfriend. Yuck. Yuck. So yuck. 

"Wizard," The Goblin on the counter stated. When had the woman before him left?

"Uh, you see, sir- I got a creature inheritance. Could I please get an Inheritance Test done?" Harry asked, trying not to let the nervousness seep into his voice. Goblins were scary as hell.

"Yes, you may get an Inheritance Test done," The Goblin said, before turning around and calling for Ironwood.

"He will be in charge of your Test, Wizard," The Goblin said, pointing to a relatively younger-looking Goblin.

Harry nodded, relieved to get away from the Elder Goblin.




"So what is your name, Wizard?" Ironwood asked, shuffling through the papers in his drawers. 

Harry hesitated for a second, "James Evans,"

"A half-truth," Ironwood declared, his eyes narrowed.

"I have a right to the name," Harry countered. "My name is none of your business,"

"Good," Ironwood said, obviously impressed, "Do not tell strangers your name. Your kind trust too easily."

His shuffling was done, and he took out a piece of parchment, a dagger, and a small potion bottle.

"Cut your palm with the dagger, and let seven drops of blood on the parchment, before drinking the potion." The Goblin instructed. When he saw Harry's mistrustful gaze, he added "It shall heal you,"

And Harry did as he was told. After about five minutes, all the blood was absorbed and red letters started appearing. 

Inheritance Test of H.J.Z.S.P.-E.

Name: Hadrian James Zach Sirius Potter-Evans

Mother: Lillian Anne Potter-Evans

Father: James Charles Potter-Evans

Siblings: Ryan James Ellen Remus Potter-Evans [Younger Twin by 10 Minutes]

Godfather: Sirius Orion Black

Godmother: None

Other (Alive) Blood Relatives:

Tom Marvolo Riddle [Maternal Uncle]

Fenrir Greyback [Maternal Grandfather]

Creature Inheritance: Part Nature Elf, Part Werewolf

Mate: Blaise Taylor Zabini

Heir to:



Lord to:


Harry looked up to Ironwood. "Is this some sort of sick joke?"

"Of course not, Mr. Potter-Evans," The Goblin answered. How the fuck did the Goblin know his name? 

"My mum's a muggle-born. You heard me? A fuckin' muggleborn. Fenrir fuckin' Greyback is sure as fuck not a muggle?!?!" Harry got out, his breathing uneven. "And this bloody test's saying that the Dark Lord - the fuckin' Dark Lord - is my uncle?!?!"

Harry, he thought to himself, calm the fuck down. 

"The Dark Lord has no living relation left alive.  It is a well-known fact. And if Alpha Greyback had a child, the creature's gossiping would not stop. In other words, I would know." Harry said, trying to think this through logically.

"Mr. Potter-Evans, the test does not - in fact, cannot - lie," Ironwood said. 

"You don't understand," Harry hissed, suddenly overwhelmed by the information.

"Then help me understand, Mr Potter-Evans," The Goblin said, calmly, very much unlike Harry.

"I- I promised the Dark Lord that I would bring the Potters to him," Harry said, trying - and failing - to even out his breathing. "If I don't, he would kill Nev, Luna and Hermione. I- I can't let them die,"

"Mr. Potter-Evans, from the gossip I know, there is a D.E. (Death Eater) meeting this weekend. It is a well-known fact that Mr. Greyback is a part of the Dark Lord's Inner Circle. Wait until only the Inner Circle is left, before giving Mr. Greyback the papers I will give you. The Dark Lord shall be furious with you, enough to not see sense, but Mr. Greyback may see some sense, and, hopefully, stop the Dark Lord from killing you."

"Okay, wait. What papers?" Harry said trying to ignore the 'hopefullyin the Goblin's sentence. 

"The ones we get from Lady Potter's [1] Inheritance Test, when you drag them back here, of course," Ironwood said pleasantly, as a mischievous smirk appeared on his face.

"Deal," Harry grinned.




Only when he left, did he realize something:

On the test, in red, curly handwriting, it had been written, Mate: Blaise Taylor Zabini. 

What the Heck?!?


[1] So, Lily's surname's still Potter-Evans, but she can't be the Lady of a Muggle-family name. 

P.S. Longest chapter yet!!!!

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