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"What?" Lily gasped, as she saw the boy in Black Hoodie.

She could see his resemblance to James - tousled hair and similar facial features. But his emerald green eyes sparkled, and his cheekbones were more delicate, adding refinement to his appearance. He looked about 5"9. 

Lily glanced around. Remus, James and Sirius were all sell-shocked. 

C-Could it be? 

"N-Neville?" Alice Longbottom shuttered.

The one wearing the Green Hoodie was eerily similar to Frank, both having the same build and face, though he had black hair, like Alice's. He must have been a good 6", too.

The one in the Yellow Tie-Dye looked familiar, but it took a moment to realize how. She looked like Emmeline Lovegood- the girl in Ravenclaw who had been a year above Lily! Same blond hair. Same, big blue eyes. 

And, then there was the last girl, the one in the Grey Hoodie. She didn't look much like anyone  Lily knew, but her features gave way to a Pure-blood background. It had to be. No one could have such piercing grey eyes.

"I-I- Harry?" Sirius squeaked out.

"Yes?" The James-twin answered. Oh Lord above.....

"Can someone give us a formal introduction for those of us who don't know what is going on?" Madame Rosa said, her smile and tone slightly too sugary to be sincere.

The teens looked at each other.

"Hermione Jasmine Granger-McKinnon, Lady to the Noble House of McKinnon." The girl in the Grey Hoodie- Hermione- said.

"'Sup, Neville Allaine Longbottom, Heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Longbottom, " Frank-look-alike said, his voice monotonous.

 "Luna Pandora Lovegood, Heiress to the Noble House of Lovegood," The Tie-Dye girl answered in a dreamy sort of voice.

"Do I have to?" James look-alike asked. 

He was elbowed in the rib by both Luna and Hermione.

"Urgh, Hadrian James Zach Sirius Evans-Potter, Heir to the Ancient and Noble Houses of Black and Potter," He rolled his eyes, "Why the heck is my name so long?" 

"Uhhhhhh," Lily couldn't say anything. All this felt so surreal.

"Great, did someone get to my birth certificate before you lot or what?" Harry- ohmigosh, Lily's having a mental breakdown- drawled.

"James, my boy, will you be willing to let these children stay at your manor till we can get everything settled in?" Dumbledore asked, in his grandfatherly voice.

James nodded, dumbly, still staring at Harry.

"Well, then," Dumbledore clapped his hands together, "It's settled then,"

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