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"Hadrian." The Dark Lord greeted. He was, once again, a vampire-snake hybrid.

"Voldemort." Harry greeted back.

"I should crucio you for the lack of respect," Voldemort drawled.

"But you won't," Harry said. " You're trying to get a better relationship with your sister. I have a hard time believing that she would be happy if you crucio her son."


"I'm not going to call you a snake, but only because, at the end of the day, I do care for my life."

"It's hard to see," 

"I'm not suicidal, y'know," Harry drawled, before registering what he had said. 

"Once again, hard to see,"

"Shut up. Now, why did you summon me?"

"I wanted to spend time with my nephew."

Harry rolled his eyes, "I'm finding that seriously hard to believe,"

"Fine. I want more information about... this place," Voldemort said, pointing towards a place at the back of Knocturn Alley, on a map.

"That's Chimera Alley, of course," Harry said, laughing at the stupidity. Everyone knew Chimera Alley.

"Chimera Alley? That's its name?"

Okay, maybe not everyone knew about Chimera Alley.

"Ya, it's a safe place for creatures. Outlaws."

"Really now?"

"Yes," Harry said flatly.

"Why can't any of my Death Eaters enter, then?" Voldikins sounded rather peeved out about it, that's for sure.

"'Cause you have to be invited in."

"By invited you mean?"

"Not telling you."

"Why not?" Voldemort asked, clearly frustrated.

"Because," Harry lowered his voice to a theatrical whisper, "It's a secret,"

"Goddamit, Loki," Voldemort said, reverting to Harry's code name.

"I can show you," He hummed.

Voldemort's eyes gleamed, "When?"

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