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"Guys, c'mon," Harry grumbled, "help me,"

"Don't know how to help, Harry, or else we would," Neville said, rubbing circles on Harry's shoulder, soothingly. Harry had come back from Gringotts and had flopped down on the bed, his head on Neville's lap, looking ready to commit homicide.

After some coaxing, they learn the reason why. They had not expected that.

"Hermione, help," Harry moaned, swatting away Neville's hand.

"Honestly, Harry," Hermione said, "you're acting like a child. And as for the problem - just tell them, you idiot!"

Harry hummed, not looking happy.

Deciding it was time to change the subject, Luna asked, "Whose your mate?"

Harry spluttered, blushing. "Why do you wanna know?"

"'Cause it made you splutter like an idiot, so, spill," Neville said.

Harry mumbled something but Luna couldn't hear him.

"What did you say?" Neville asked, grinning. He was thoroughly enjoying himself.

"Blaise," Harry's voice was low, and Luna strained to hear it.

"Zabini?" Hermione asked, teasingly.

"Do you know any other Blaise?" He snapped, before groaning, "This can't be happening,"

"It's okay, Harry," Luna said, soothingly. But something caught her mind. "You are going to tell him, right?"

"Of course," Harry said and then mumbled, "In a few months,"

"You tell Zabini, soon," Neville said, eyes widening, having heard Harry.

"You don't get your inheritance until your birthday. His birthday is in December," Harry huffed, "That's five months away,"

"Doesn't matter," Luna said. "Swear it. On your magic,"

Harry gave her a look of mock hurt, "You don't trust me?"

"Not for this. No." Luna said dryly.

He rolled his eyes. "I, Harry Potter-Evans, swear on my magic that I will tell Blaise Zabini he is my mate,"

"You need to use your full name," Hermione corrected.

"I ain't repeating it again," Harry said.

Neville gave him a warning look.

"I, Hadrian James Zach Sirius Potter-Evans, swear on my magic to tell Blaise Zabini yhat he is my mate."

"Good," Lun muttered. She knew that, otherwise, Harry wouldn't tell. Whether he found it some sort of game, or he was actually nervous was above her.  

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