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Both, Lily and Fenrir Greyback wanted to meet each other.  Lily wanted to meet to get answers, while Greyback wanted to meet Lily for whatever reason Harry didn't know.

They - and by that, Harry meant: himself, James, Lily, Greyback and Voldemort - were now sitting at a table at a restaurant, staring at each other tension flying in the air.

"You will be switching sides?" Voldemort broke the silence at last.

(It also broke James' and Greyback's staring challenge, their eyes emerald and amber respectively.)

 "We will remain neutral," James answered. "The House of Potter has withdrawn from this war."

You could feel the effect of his words immediately. Magic enveloped Harry like a blanket, and he felt so relaxed. It felt heavenly and safe. Harry could almost forget he was with the Dark Lord and famous Alpha Greyback (Harry knew just how powerful one could be by having acquaintances in the right places).

"Um, stupid question," Harry said, abruptly. "Do I  have to stay neutral?"

"Uh, what?" Voldemort and Lily said, both blinking, at the same time.

Now it was Harry's turn to blink. "Creeepy," Harry whistled under his breath and both Greyback and James looked like they agreed.

"Anyways, so he" Harry pointed at James, "just said 'The House of Potter has withdrawn from the war', right? I am a part of the House of Potter, aren't I?" Then he mumbled to himself: "Unless I'm not," Then in his normal voice he asked, "Do I have to stay neutral?"

"No, not unless you want to," James reassured, "It does mean, however, if you've been using money from the vaults you can't do that now. For the war. You can use the money for everything else."

"Follow up stupid question: What vaults are we talking about?"

Fenrir groaned, slamming his head on the table.

"Stupid Question. You don't need to answer that," Harry mumbled. "Sorry,"

"You don't know about the vaults?" Lily asked slowly.

"I do?"

"Is that a question, or a statement?" Voldemort asked.

"If I say statement, will you make me say it?"

Fenrir slammed his head against the table again.

"Forget it, I'm shutting up. Do your adult thing-y, here." Harry said, before his eyes widened. "Eww. Actually, don't do the Adult Thingy. 'Specially not in front of me, most of it would end up being incest." "

Fenrir looked up for a second, staring at Harry, before slamming his head against the table, loudly.

"Greyback, either the table is going to break or your nose is going to break by being slammed repeatedly on the poor table." Voldemort smirked, wryly. "Look, there's already as indentation on the table,"

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