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"So, what's your favourite colour?"  Ryan asked.

Well, his twin was trying to talk to him, to get to know him so that Harry would give him a chance. Once chance. ONLY one chance. "Silver. Yours?"

"Blue. Any hobbies? Mine's Quidditch...and I like drawing." The last part was said softly, as though Ryan expected to be judged about liking to draw.

"Hmm" Harry, for a split-second, thought of lying but answered truthfully anyway. "Reading, and exploring, I guess. I like knowing the area I live in."

" Great...Um..." Ryan trailed off, and an awkward silence descended.

"Tell me, Ryan," Harry leaned back against the comfy chair he was sitting on, "How do you feel, about this? The Dark Lord is your uncle, the notorious Fenrir Greyback is your grandfather, after all."

His posture changed instantly, his shoulders slumped and he looked defeated, "Dunno. Doesn't really change much."

"It does change something," Harry told him. "You can not, directly, kill the Dark Lord."


"Lady Hecate would curse you," Harry said simply. "You cannot, directly, shoot a fatal curse at him, without something equally bad happening to you."

"....You put a lot of emphasis on directly," Ryan said at last.

Harry smirked, "Nothing to stop you from planning his demise, you oaf. It just won't be you who sends the final curse."

"But the Light-"

"The 'Light' is wrong to put all their hope in a teenager who hasn't even graduated the compulsory education. It's utter bullshit." Harry cut him off.


"Fuck Dumbledore." Harry cut off his twin before he even fully said it, before pausing,  "Actually, don't fuck Dumbledore, he's too wrinkly,"

Ryan made a face. "Ewwwwww."

"I know. Ohmigosh, why did I say that." Harry muttered. "I need to get obliviated,"

"Me too," Ryan agreed.

At that moment, James and Lily entered, and hearing the adults enter, Ironwood came back from the chest of drawers on the other side of the room.

"Ah yes," Ironwood muttered. His eyes lingering on Harry and Ryan a second too long. Harry had a feeling the goblin had heard his entire conversation with Ryan.

Harry cursed himself. He was slacking off. 

"Um, so the test?" Lily prompted, looking muck more in control of her emotions.

"Cut your finger. Let three drops land on the parchment. And then drink this up," Ironwood instructed.

This time, James and Ryan were also doing the test, alongside Lily.

Ryan's started appearing first, curly red writing appearing on the parchment.

Instinctively, Harry snatched it, not being able to stop himself. He wanted to know.

BAS Test for R.J.E.R.P.-E.

Liquid Imperius- Given by A.P.W.B.D.

Obliviates- Done by A.P.W.B.D.

Personality Charms (Recklessness)- Done by A.P.W.B.D.

Attraction Charms (Gryffindors, Light)- Done by A.P.W.B.D.

Repellent Charms (Slytherins, Dark, Tom M. Riddle)- Done by A.P.W.B.D.

*Marraige Contract with Ginevra Weasley*  

Harry growled, feeling something crack inside of him. Protectiveness swirled inside of him, and he fought for control over his body.

"Harry, buddy, I need you to calm down," James said softly, quickly making his way over to him. "Breath in. Breath out." He started drawing circles with his hands on Harr's arm.

Harry sucked in a breath. James smelled like rain and leaves. 

Harry, at last, realized what was happening. Fuck. Fuck. This can't be happening. Can't loose control.

Harry, he thought, you really, really need to calm down.

He sucked in another breath, and let it out. He could feel a headache forming already. When  he felt that he wouldn't try to kill Dumbledore immediately, he mumbles a soft "Sorry,"

"It's fine, you don't know how to control your Creature yet. It takes time." James reassured. 

"Now," Lily asked, "What's written on the test that made you react like that?"

Harry handed over the slightly scrunched up piece of parchment to his mother.

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