Chapter 27: The truth

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Maya's POV

I can't believe it. Lawrence would never do something like this, he's been like a father to us for years and he has always been good to us. Is it true that what Aubrey said happened or is she saying this so that we can be like Ajax? Not that I have anything against him but, I don't like him.

He's not like us.

I've locked myself in my room since yesterday trying to avoid them. I know that they went out and surprisingly Aubrey didn't return only Simone did and she looked pleased.

I've been trying to make a decision the whole day. I've never immersed myself in my sister's relationship before. I heard her and Lawrence argue sometimes over the phone but to think that he would cheat on her countless times or even worse say that he didn't want us around, that he didn't like family is absurd.

I mean it was just a few months ago that we went shopping for him. We spent the whole day with him, he looked happy to me so how come she's saying that he has a poker face? I don't know what to do but one thing I know for sure is, I want to hear what Lawrence has to say about this.

I reached for my phone and called him, but he didn't pick up so I decided to send him a text hoping that he would see it if he was in a meeting.

Me: Hey Lawrence, are you busy?

Me: I would like to talk to you sometime today.

It didn't take long he replied.

Lawy🥸: Hello Your Majesty 😊

Lawy🥸: Having a free day?

Me: Not really but I do need to talk to you. 

Me: It's kind of important.

Lawy🥸: Is everything okay?

Lawy🥸: Are Simone and Aubrey okay?

Me: Yes, they're fine, I swear.

He took a while to answer but finally did.

Lawy🥸: Okay let's go out for dinner.

Lawy🥸: I'll send the car over at 7:00 p.m. Be ready by then.

Me: Thank you Lawrence, see you then.

I looked at the digital clock that was next to my bed I still had a couple of hours. I decided to clean up my closet, just to buy more time and when I was done I had 30 minutes to get ready. I took a shower and got dressed, knowing Lawrence, I knew we were going to a fancy restaurant so I wore something decent but on the Casual side.

True to his word 7:00 p.m. there was a car waiting for me on the driveway. "Where do you think you're going?", Aubrey asked as she saw me walking down the stairs. She looked happy, I had no idea why but, I had to put a pin on it. I would ask Simone later. She will tell me what happened.

"I'm going out", I said and walked away without waiting for her to say anything. I got in the car. I didn't even bother asking which restaurant we were going to because I trusted Lawrence. He knew his way around the fancy Lane.

"Miss Kendricks, we have arrived", the driver said and when I looked outside it was indeed a fancy restaurant. Lawrence was standing by the door waiting for me when the driver opened the door for me, he smiled.

"Well look at you. I bet you can't be early anywhere even if your life depended on it", we had always fought over me being late on several occasions so, I rolled my eyes and decided an answer wasn't worth it.

We went into the restaurant and found our table, after ordering our drinks and food, we waited for the drinks to arrive. He took one sip of his whiskey and looked at me. "Okay Maya spill... what did you do now?", he asked with a raised brow. I gave him a weak smile, "Aubrey said a couple of things about you yesterday and I just wanted to make sure that they were true. In my heart I know they're not, you have been nothing but kind to us so I'm sure that she was making things up just to turn us against you", I said, and his face was suddenly covered with guilt. It made me swallow hard, was she telling the truth?

"What did she tell you exactly?", he asked nervously. "She said that when you guys were together, you cheated on her a couple of times and you also told her that you didn't want us to live with you guys anymore. You wanted to leave us behind and move to another country what's worse is, she even told us that you didn't support her career. You thought that she would never succeed. You wanted her to give up on her dreams. Tell me that's not true", I said but he remained silent.

"Lawrence", I called but he was looking everywhere but at me. "What Aubrey told you was true. I have done a lot of unspeakable things to her. I feel guilty. I don't know what came over me. I love your sister more than anything and I don't know how to fix any of this.

I'm confused because when we were at the party and she invited her boyfriend, the way she was looking at him, was how she used to look at me. Only a person who has moved on can look at someone else that way. I don't know Maya but I think that I'm too late, maybe I deserve to be alone", he said with sadness suddenly our food arrived and we ended up just playing with it.

I tried to look for words to say but I didn't find any, he was amazing and he just did something wrong why didn't Aubrey find it in her heart to forgive him? They've been together for 4 years even if he made mistakes, he could change. His face told me that he could change. If only she gave him a chance.

"Lawrence, I can help you get her back", "No Maya, this is something that I have to do on my own. If I involve you then it won't be fair, don't get me wrong, Ajax is an amazing person. What you did at the diner was not fair to him. You have no right to come between your sister and her happiness. It might not be what you want but there's a way around it. You can't just do that in front of everyone. That wasn't fair", he said and be guilt that I felt before returning to me.

I have never seen Aubrey so broken as she was after Ajax dumped her. I could hear her cry in her room but I didn't know what to do. It was my fault that it happened, it was obvious that she wouldn't have listened to me even if I went there to ask for forgiveness. That's why I gave it time. I need to find a way to bring her back to Lawrence.

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