Chapter 55: Poking the bear

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"It wasn't me or Netherenes. We were still trying to figure out how to approach everything without going against what you wanted", Justin said looking as shocked as I was. "Then who was it? I can't have more problems with him. Lawrence always gets out of control when provoked", i said trying to figure out what was happening. "Aubrey, this is good for us though. As long as we're not the ones doing it then we don't have to pay attention to it. Go to the hospital, and be with the father of your children. He deserves your attention more than that bastard", Justin said.

I called Justin to my house to rain fire down on him, but who was it if he wasn't behind everything? It was too much of a coincidence.

"Sis! Liam is here", Simone said making me smile. He walked into the living room looking sharp as usual. "Hello, am I late for a family meeting?", he asked with a raised brow. "No, we were just catching up", I said in a rush making him turn to Justin. "She thought we were behind the Columbus news", he said then rolled his eyes.

"Oh... well I say, perfect timing", he said while sitting beside me. He looked genuinely happy. "Liam!!", I whined. "What! Let's be honest Aubrey. They were getting out of control. Someone had to set them straight. Even if we reach higher than others, it doesn't give us the right to treat people like crap. If you ask me, this is a wake-up call they both deserve", he said then pulled me in a side hug.

"Are you going to the hospital?", he asked. "Yes", "Good, let me give you a ride. I'm on the way to the airport but I wanted to see Ajax before I left", he said making me smile. "What?", "You like him that much huh?", I teased. "Well yes, but not as much as Lily does", he said looking annoyed. "Aaawww, are you jealous?", "Aubrey, do you want my ride or not?", he asked with furrowed brows making Justin chuckle.

"I do. Let me go get ready", I said in a rush then attempted to run to my room which ended up making Liam and Justin laugh because only my hands were running, my legs just walked. Damn you big belly.

"Aubrey... Maya called me last night. She asked if we could meet. Is it ok if I meet with her?", Simone asked when she was helping me put my maxi dress on. "I don't know. I honestly don't care either", I said making her nod. "I can't believe how things turned out. We used to be so happy. How could she do something like this? It's like the Maya we knew doesn't exist", Simone said more to herself.

She was in pain and there was nothing I could do about it. This was the one thing I couldn't fix. Only Maya could. "Simone, we can't change what happened. All that matters is what she decides to do now. Go meet her, talk to her. Try to help her only if she lets you ok?", I said with my hand on her shoulder. She nodded and smiled.

"I have to go before Liam leaves me behind. He does not like waiting", I said making Simone chuckle. "You got that right. We'll be right behind you, I just need to send a proposal then we'll come with Jenkins. Tell Ajax I love him ok?", she said as I took my purse ready to leave. "I will, see you later", I said then waved at her.

"You look beautiful", Liam said with a huge smile then hugged me. It was weird because Lilian was the touchy one. I liked it though. It gave me fatherly vibes. "Thank you", I said then got in the car.

When we were on the way the babies kept kicking my sides which made me laugh like an idiot. "What's wrong with you?", Liam asked with amusement. "They're kicking my sides and it tickles", I said making him smile. "May I?", he asked with his eyes on my belly. "Sure", I said and he put his hand on my belly. I moved it to my sides making him feel the kick. "Unbelievable", he said looking a bit emotional. I had never seen him that way before. "Don't tell me you've never touched a kicking belly before", I said and he just shook his head with his eyes still on my belly. "Well, you have now. Although you do know what this means right?", I asked making him raise a brow. "You're closer to becoming a grandpa", I said with a smile which he returned. "I can't wait", he said.

"When are you coming back?", I asked which seemed to bring him back to reality. "Oh, I'll be gone for just a week", he said then pulled back. "Good, there's something I want you and Lily to do for me when you return", I said making him look at me with curiosity. "Ok then. I'll make sure I come to you as soon as I'm back", he said then answered his phone which was vibrating nonstop.

He went from fun Liam to corporate Liam in a blink. Another surprise to add to my list. I let him do him while i took my phone out. I had over 50 WhatsApp messages and 10 missed calls. Most of them were from Maya. I ignored them and then chose to call Lydia and Nico. They had important work updates for me that were actually worth my time.

"I can't believe we're that family", Liam said when we arrived and the hospital. "What kind?", I asked. "The one that is too busy with work. We were on the phone the whole ride here. How crazy is that?", he said while holding my hand as he led me inside. "Like father like daughter I guess", I said and felt his hand tighten. Even though he was looking forward, I could sense his proud smile. It made me smile too. I was lucky to have him and Lilian in my life. They were practically my parents at this point.

We were registering ourselves on the visitors' book at the reception when the ER team passed us, rushing to the entrance. "What has gotten into them?", Liam asked the nurse. "There has been an accident a kilometer away from here. Thank god expensive cars come with better accident protection. They say the passengers aren't that badly hurt but we'll see", she said making me raise a brow. "May I know which car it was?", I asked. The nurse looked at her books and said, "A dark grey Lincoln Nautilus".


I didn't know I was falling on my knees until Liam held me in place. "It's Jenkins, he was coming behind us", I said in a low voice. "Aubrey, you're not the only one with a dark grey car", he said making me point at the door. The ER team was pushing 3 wheelchairs inside the hospital the first being Jenkins who was bleeding on top of his right eye. Simone was holding onto her stomach while Jason was holding his shoulder. They were in pain.

Liam took me to the waiting area and then stopped the ER officer who was pushing Jenkins's chair, he placed his ear in front of Jenkins's mouth. I saw Jenkins's lips moving then Liam's hands turned into fists. He closed his eyes for a few seconds then pulled away and smiled. He was hiding his emotions from me.

He was pissed.

I want to know why.

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