Chapter 54: Uncle Erny is the BEST

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I felt fingers playing with my hair. It felt so good. Lilian always knew how to make me relax.

"Gorgeous... Wake up...", Lilian said in a low voice like she was having trouble breathing. Since when did Lilian have a bass? And why was she whispering? I opened my eyes and I was sleeping on Ajax's side. My head and hands were on the bed while sitting on the chair that was next to it. I figured that if he could react to touch then he would feel me and wake up. I turned to his face and he was looking at me, even though his eyes were half open, I knew they were open from the dark green eye color I saw between his eyelids. His hand was on my head. I smiled.

What a beautiful dream. 

I closed my eyes again.

The hand continued to play with my hair until someone shouted. "Holy shit! He's up! I'm gonna get the doctor", they said then slammed the door.

That woke me up and made me stand abruptly.

I turned my head to the bed slowly as if I was afraid of what I was going to see.

The first thing I saw was his weak smile. It made tears fall from my eyes. "Ajax", "Brey", he whispered. I wasn't dreaming. He was awake, he played with my hair. I was brought back to reality when his hand touched my belly. The babies started kicking which made me wanna pee. I pressed my legs together. When my eyes met his, I started laughing, he only smiled.

I leaned down and kissed his lips. He kissed me back, and even though it was a weak reaction, I understood and appreciated the gesture.

"Ajax!", Bridget shouted from the door making me pull away. She ran to the bed and carefully hugged him. Christopher did the same and Simone too. Jason just shook his hand.

When the doctor came, he lifted the top part of the bed with the remote and showed us how to work it, in case he wanted to sleep.

When we were given the green light by the doctor, we started giving him food. "How long was I out?", he asked while looking at me. "Two weeks", I said and he nodded and continued to swallow everything I fed him. "Were you sleeping here?", he asked with furrowed brows. "As if your mother would let her", Lilian said out of nowhere making him turn to her side. "Welcome back son. You had us worried", she said while holding his hand. "Not intentional", he said making Lilian smile.

"Simone, please tell Sam about Ajax", I instructed Simone who was just staring at us as I fed him. "Rodger that!", she said with excitement. "If you must know Jason was your night nurse", I said making Lilian giggle. "That name better not stick", Jason said with a smile.

The night was lively because the fire department came to see him. They had floating balloons, teddy bears, and all the drama. They laughed and talked about stuff that I didn't understand but they made Ajax laugh.

His voice was coming back too.

"Hey there. You good?", Ernest asked then sat next to me on the sofa that was in the room. "Yeah, I'm just happy that he's awake", I said while looking at Ajax. "Me too, I got you something", he said then gave me a box. Ernest and I were never close so it surprised me. "Thank you", I said then opened it. It had two baby rompers, written, Uncle Erny is the BEST!

I started laughing which made him laugh with me. "What are you guys laughing about?", Spencer asked. I turned one of the rompers to their side and they started laughing too. "Really Ernest?", Sam asked with a smile. "What? She hates me and I know that so might as well tell my nieces or nephews how good I am before she fills them with poison", he said making me laugh even harder.

"Oh Ernest, you're something else", I said then yawned. "Jenkins, please take her home", Ajax said making Jenkins nod and start collecting my bags. I stood up and walked towards the bed. I kissed his lips while his hand rubbed my belly making the babies go crazy like they could sense him. "I'll see you tomorrow morning", I said and he nodded. "I love you", he said making me kiss his cheek.

I turned to Ernest and smiled. "Thank you for the rompers. They're cute", I said and for some reason, he looked surprised. "Good night guys!", I told the rest of his colleagues. "Good night baby mama", they said at the same time making me giggle. "You can go too man, we got this", Sam told Jason who looked at me. I gave him my hand and he took it.

"Will he be ok?", Jason asked as we were taking him to his place. "Yeah, he's in good hands", I said and he reached for his phone. "Texting Simone?", I asked and he chuckled. "That predictable huh?", he said and I laughed. "If you asked me ten years ago if I would be this addicted to a woman, I would have laughed at your face but I swear to you, Simone showed up out of nowhere. My life was turned upside down in a blink of an eye and I've never been this happy. She's my world", he said while looking at the photo of her on his home screen. It was like he was remembering something.

"I know what you mean Jason", I said making him turn to look at me and a victorious smile appeared on his face. "We're doomed baby mama", he said making me laugh.

We dropped him off at his apartment complex and then left for my house. I was almost falling asleep when we got home. I went inside and took a hot shower. I said a thank you prayer then fell asleep.

I woke up feeling thirsty for a glass of lemonade so I decided to get out of bed. I didn't bother covering up. Ajax's T-shirt and a pair of hot pants seemed good enough for me. I looked at my sandals and decided putting them on was also a hustle.

I walked to the kitchen and found Jason making out with Simone on the kitchen counter. I tried clearing my throat but they didn't seem to hear me so I went straight to the fridge and poured myself a glass of lemonade. I drank half of it on the spot then released a breath of satisfaction which almost gave Jason a heart attack.

"Fucking knuckles! When did you get in here?", he asked. "Where are your shoes?", Simone asked while pushing her skirt down. I just rolled my eyes and poured more lemonade.

"Why is the kitchen smelling like sex?", Lydia asked. I pointed at Simone and Jason. "You don't have a room? Anyways... have you seen this?", she asked then gave me her tablet. It was a newspaper headline;

The end of the COLUMBUS EMPIRE!

Lawrence and his father's photos were on it too.

What the hell?

"What am I looking at?", I asked Lydia because I was not about to read it. "Apparently, all of his father's big clients terminated their contracts yesterday out of nowhere and Lawrence's shipments were seized causing massive loss for the company because he has to refund his clients. Some have sued him for damages as well look", she said then showed me the videos that were posted online showing people marching at the Forever Bright HQ gates. It was insane and random.

"Simone, get my phone I need to call someone", I said making her nod and rush to my room. I felt betrayed. I told Justin I wanted to take him to court not destroy his whole family.

What the hell!

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