Chapter 59: They're finally here

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I can feel intense contractions and an urgent need to pee which is freaking me out because it's not happening like Google told me it would.

They said there were levels to this, three stages to be exact and I was sure as hell the first one was not supposed to be that intense.

"Aaah!", I screamed making Ajax look even more worried as Jenkins rushed us to the hospital, the birthday party long forgotten. "Breathe baby, the doctor said if you breathe through your mouth it will feel better", Ajax said. "Yes but it's not working!", I shouted making him look lost. "I'm sorry, you're right... maybe I'm not doing it right", I said making a weak smile appear on his face. "It's ok Brey, you can shout at me as much as you want gorgeous", he said then kissed my temple.

I wanted to enjoy the moment but the pain was too much. "Fuck!!! How much longer Jenkins?", I asked with tears coming down my eyes. "Five minutes Ma'am", he said calmly.

When we reached the hospital, we found Doctor Rose waiting for us. "Simone called. She's quite a sister huh?", she asked but I was too busy breathing through my mouth. "Thank you Doctor", Ajax said making her smile.

I was taken to the private ward for running tests before being taken to the labor room.

"Ok let's see what we're dealing with", she said while spreading my legs. "Rose, google said this pain was the third stage of labor. Why am I feeling it now?", I asked with furrowed brows. "You're one of those Mums huh? Well, you will be pleased to know that you're 70% right except this is phase 3 of stage one of labor. Not everyone feels the pain in the first two phases so you have skipped a few and it's very normal. Besides, you're having twins. The least you can do is ignore the norm. Can you lend me your trust? I need it to bring our babies out", she asked and I nodded quickly then started breathing through my mouth again.

Her face turned to an excited one which confused me. I was in so much pain. "I have good news, the cervix has fully dilated and I can see someone's head already", she said then turned to the nurse. "Let's take her to the labor room. Quickly please", she said then turned to us. "It's time to meet the little ones", she said sounding too happy like she wasn't about to see my torn vagina.

"Don't leave me", I told Ajax. "I'm not going anywhere gorgeous. You can do this Aubrey", he said then kissed my lips. When the nurses were ready to move me, he looked at me with a huge smile. "Let's go meet our babies", he said then kissed my sweaty forehead.

When we entered the labor room, Ajax helped the nurses put me on the birthing bed. They cut my dress to my waist then my panties. They put each lead on the foot section and then told us to wait for Doctor Rose.

We only waited a few seconds, she returned wearing a surgery uniform. "Ok, Aubrey it's time to meet our nuggets. When I tell you to push, I need you to do so with all your might ok?", she asked and I nodded. "You got this Brey", Ajax whispered then kissed me. "Ok", I said with a trembling voice.

"Ok... 1...2...3... push!", she said and I pushed as hard as I could. I was about to close my eyes when an ear-piercing cry reached my ears. "Oh, he is not happy to leave in his sanctuary huh! Ok, Dad, come cut the cord", Doctor Rose said then laughed. I got the humour but I was too tired to indulge in it. "Nicely done, the nurse is gonna take some measurements while we wait for the sister", she said making me furrow my brows.

"Are you feeling more contractions?", she asked me and I nodded. "I wanna go to the toilet", I said because I felt like peeing and pooping at the same time. "It's ok. Do it right here Aubrey", Doctor Rose said and I didn't have time to process I just released everything. Turns out it was our son's placenta coming out. The moment it did my water broke for the second time and the contractions started all over again. "She couldn't wait huh?", Doctor Rose said as they finished cleaning me up.

"What's happening?", Ajax asked. "Well, you're having fraternal twins so each had their placenta and amniotic sacs. So basically our super mum will be experiencing labor twice", she explained and Ajax's face turned into one of horror. If I wasn't in so much pain, I would have made a joke about it.

"Fuck!!", I screamed and squeezed his hand harder until the contractions toned down a bit more. "Let's see if we can see the head... oh there she is! Let's get to it then", she said in a fired-up voice. How can one get excited while sitting in front of someone's torn vagina?

"Ok Aubrey, let's finish this ok? It won't hurt as the first time, big brother already made the way. 1...2...3... push!", she shouted and I started pushing. True to her word, it didn't hurt as much. "There you are a princess. At least you didn't destroy our ears", she said and it was like she flipped a switch. She started crying and it was worse than her brother's. "Dad, the cord please", she called Ajax who rushed to her and cut it. The nurse took her too.

I started feeling dizzy. I could hear them calling me but I was not going to answer, I was so sleepy. So I gave into the slumber.

When my senses started returning the first thing I heard was two babies crying and Simone trying to sing to them. "It's not working", Ajax said sounding panicked. "They're hungry. Let's wait for Jason to come with Doctor Rose. Once Aubrey wakes up, we'll feed them", she said calmly. "Bloody hell! They're loud", Liam said from somewhere. "They're babies Liam, it's what they do. My angels are just hungry aren't you my loves", Lilian said making me open my eyes.

The first person I saw was Ajax holding our child who was wrapped in a blue thin blanket that Lydia bought for our boy... our son. He looked so good with him in his arms. It made me smile. Liam was busy observing our daughter. "You can touch her you know", Simone teased him and he did. He looked so happy.

"Oh, you're awake. Gosh, these babies are vocal... let's get some food in you. Mammy's awake. Bring them over please", Doctor Rose said making me smile.

I was finally going to see them.

My babies.

Doctor Rose removed them from their blankets and placed them on my chest. They stopped crying almost instantly. "Would you look at that? They know Mammy", she said in an adoring voice making Ajax release a breath. "Why didn't we think of that?", Jason asked making Liam laugh. Simone just looked happy.

They were light-skinned and had dark green eyes just like Ajax. Their hair was softer too. So beautiful. They snuggled onto me making me kiss their tiny foreheads only to earn a kiss myself on the same spot. "You did it, Brey. They are perfect", Ajax said making me smile at him. "Photo time!", Simone said and took a photo of us.

The doctor taught us how to breastfeed and when she was done she asked, "So what do we call them?", Doctor Rose asked. I turned to Liam and Lilian with a smile.

"Adeline and Aiden Dufort", Liam said with pride.




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