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April 26th 2023

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April 26th 2023

Location; Bella Vista, PA

"Sir, if you yell at me I'm going to yell at you." Nadifa places her chin her palm, letting her amber eyes scan over the customer who was in a fit of rage due to being refused an exchange for a product he was missing half of.

"Uh-" She ducks behind the counter when he picks up an item and throws it at her. Thankfully she was fast enough to dodge but was now left furious. "Fuck this." She removes her name tag and hops over the counter, slipping from her coworkers fingers that were trying to de-esclate the situation before it got any worse.

She bends down and picks up the tube a lotion, another item he had thrown in his fit of rage. Just when she's ready to throw it her coworker grabs her and pulls her to one of their back rooms. "You could get fired!" Nadifa rolls her eyes, she could care less about losing her job. What she was not going to do was let someone get away with disrespecting her.

"I don't care!" She crosses her arms then pouts, growing frustrated that she was unable to get her lick back. All the guy needed was to be hit to learn his lesson and Nadifa wanted to be the one to school him.

She removes her scrunchie, allowing her short curls to fall in her face and releases a puff. "I forgot to set my alarm today too. Showed up twenty minutes late to be harassed. He threw a bottle of lotion at me!" Pressing her back against the wall, she closes her eyes and attempts to calm herself to her best ability since she couldn't return to the floor filled with misguided anger.

"I don't even know what I'm doing with my life." Over the years Nadifa had tried a list of things as a way to find her passion. College was out of the picture since she couldn't fathom anymore years of schooling and so was everything that required more than an high school diploma.

She was currently free balling life.

A woman who worked in retail that took each day as it came to her but lately the days had been getting the best of her. Each day she came into work she was met with some type of drama that had her ready to fight as a way of handling the situation. "I'm really tired." She mumbles with the release of a breath, her head falling into her warm palms.

Tears soon begin to fill her honey colored eyes while sniffles dance along the walls of the current room she was hiding in. "No," she sits up, wipes her tears and smiles. "I'm probably just hungry, let me go get me an egg and cheese bagel." She stands then makes her way to the break room to retrieve her belongings.

She slips on her hoodie then grabs her airpods and saunters towards the front of the department store while looking for a song to boost her mood.

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